When she established the world's largest 6)piggy bank,people all over America 7)contributed 8)spare change to 9)raise more than $1 million (10)matched by Oprah) to send 11)disadvantaged kids to college.
当她成立「世上最大的扑满」时,全美各地人士都捐赠零钱,募得一百多万美元(奥普拉捐出等值金钱),帮助弱势青年上大学。 |
When she established the world's largest piggy bank,people all over the country contributed spare change to raise more than $1 million (matched by Oprah) to send disadvantaged kids to college.
当她成立“世界上最大的扑满猪”时,整个国家的人都捐献出自己吝惜的金钱,募集了超过1百万美元的款项用来帮助贫困的小孩上大学念书。 |
When she falls in love for the first time, Carla defies her mother in order to prove that despite all appearances she has the capacity to be a responsible adult, worthy of love and being loved.
卡拉最近认识了一名同样是轻度弱智的男孩,二人旋即相爱;恋情却得不到母亲的谅解,更故意拆散二人。 |
When she fell her five year old son ran to her and stood over her body.
当她倒下的时候,她的五岁儿子跑到她身边站在她的尸体旁边。 |
When she fell ill her daughter took over the business from her.
她患病期间生意曾由她女儿代管. |
When she finds herself in a love triangle with two seemingly decent men, she struggles to make the right choice.
但是她对自己的生活却十分的迷茫,她发现自己爱上了外表看起来正派完美的两位男士,为了不走错路,做着艰难抉择。 |
When she finishes, one remains, which is cast off.
(下面这老外越说越没谱了。。。) |
When she first saw me,her face suddenly changed into red ,like an overripe tomato,our wonderful love began from then on .
当她第一次看到我,她的脸刷地一下变得通红,如同一枝熟透了的西红柿,我们伟大的爱情从此拉开了序幕。 |
When she found out that her sister was going out with her boyfriend, she went berserk.
当她发现妹妹和自己男朋友约会后,她发疯了。 |
When she gently waves good-bye , her long black hair drifting in a sudden breeze , shows only one pink cheek , a moist eye visible to her love.
当她轻轻挥手与心爱的人做别,此刻微风乍起,轻扬她长长的黑发,遮住半边淡红的脸和微微湿润的眼。 |
When she gets into the kitchen, she notices that the gas oven is missing and a lamp has been knocked over.
当她进到厨房时,她发现煤气烤箱不见了,而且有盏灯也被弄倒了。 |