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Grammatically your sentences are accurate.

Grammar is not that hard to reach. 文法也不是那麽的难以亲近.
Grammar is one of the elements of a language. 语法是构成语言的要素之一。
Grammar schools cater for four per cent of children in secondary education. 文法学校的学生占总中学生人数的4%.
Grammar: amends your grammatical system for broad not deep. don't kill too much time on this part. 三、语法准备:很简单,首先梳理一下自己的语法体系,不求深但求全。不必花太多的时间在这里。
Grammatical rules help us learn faster. 2语法规则帮我们学得更快.
Grammatically your sentences are accurate. (就文法而言,你的句子都是正确的。)
Gramophone records warp in very hot weather. 在非常热的天气时,唱片会翘曲。
Grampy stretched his long leg out straight and reached his huge hand deep into the pocket. 祖父将他的长腿伸直,把他的大手伸进口袋。
Gramsci is one of the founders of the Western Marxist theory, the civil societyconcept is different from Hegel's public community, it is also different from Marx's sharing the economic base of the social significance, but as a superstructure areas. 摘要葛兰西是西方马克思主义理论的创始人之一,其“市民社会”概念既不同于黑格尔的市民社会,也不同于马克思具有经济基础意义的市民社会,而是归入了上层建筑范畴。
Gramsci's civil societyas a unique understanding of the basis of the interpretation of the proletarian ideology of cultural leadership must grasp on the trench warfareand the idea of organic intellectualsideology. 葛兰西在对“市民社会”作独特理解的基础上,阐释了无产阶级必须掌握意识形态文化领导权、关于“阵地战”的设想以及“有机知识分子”思想。
Gran laughed at her strange sound of a cough, held his head up and saw the gray mountains. 格兰嘲笑著她奇怪的咳嗽声然后转过头望著那灰色的山脉。

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