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Identification of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis and Gardenia jasminoides Ellis var.grandiflora Nakai by HPCE

Study on Plant Diversity of Duheyuan Nature Reserve on the Northern Slope of Mt.Shennongjia,Hubei,China 神农架北坡堵河源自然保护区植物多样性研究
Toxic Effects of Oxidative Stress Product Malondialdehyde(MDA) on Mice Physical Stamina and Metabolism in vivo 氧应激毒性产物丙二醛(MDA)对小鼠体能的影响及其体内代谢
Breeding Anti-postacidification Strain from Lactobacillus bulgaricus by UV Mutagenesis 抗后酸化保加利亚乳杆菌的紫外诱变选育
Optimization of the Cellulase Fermentation Media by the Quadratic Rotary Combination Design 正交旋转回归试验优化纤维素酶发酵培养基
Annual Study on Macrophytes and Its Influence Factors of Two Fields in Gonghu Lake and Meiliang Lake 贡湖、梅梁湾沿岸浅水区观测场水生植物周年动态及影响因素研究
Identification of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis and Gardenia jasminoides Ellis var.grandiflora Nakai by HPCE 栀子及其混淆品水栀子的蛋白高效毛细管电泳法鉴别
Preliminary study on parturition behavior of semifree-ranging Amur tigers(Panthera tigris altaica) 半散放东北虎产仔行为的初步观察
A Study on Extraction of Chlorophyll A and Other Effective Components from Spinach Leaves 菠菜叶中叶绿素a和其他有效成份的分离提纯
Research Advance on Agarase 琼脂糖酶的研究进展
Application of Several Molecular Markers in Entomology 几种常用分子标记及其在昆虫学研究中的应用
Study on genetic variation of genus Kengyilia by ISSR markers 应用ISSR标记研究仲彬草属植物的遗传变异

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