John Doe was appointed postmaster vice Richard Roe retired.
约翰·多伊被任命为邮政局长,取代退休的理查德·罗。 |
John Doe, the former head of the City Public Works Department, went on trial today in the district court.
这句话的意思是:「以前市政工程部的头头多伊约翰今天在地区法院受审。 |
John Doe: (interrupts)A woman... so ugly on the inside she couldn't bear to go on living if she couldn't be beautiful on the outside.
打断)一个女人,她的内心是那么丑陋,如果没有美丽的外表她甚至活不下去。 |
John Ed Blackburn: The Amarillo aviator died in China in 1942 while serving with the Flying Tigers.
约翰·瑞德·布莱克本:亚马瑞罗飞行员,1942年死于中国,当时服役与飞虎队。 |
John Edwards is continuing his bid for the presidency as his wife now battles cancer.
约翰?爱德华兹继续参加总统竞选,然而他的妻子却正在与癌症抗争。 |
John Edwards says it is “a betrayal” for Congress not to stop Mr Bush sending more troops now.
约翰?爱德华兹称国会不阻止布什总统的增兵计划有负于民众。 |
John F. Kennedy assassination: Alleged assassin Lee Harvey Oswald is mortally shot by Jack Ruby in Dallas, Texas on live national television.
1963年,约翰F·肯尼迪遇刺案:怀疑实施暗杀的嫌犯利·哈维·奥斯瓦尔德在德州的达拉斯现场电视转播时,被杰克·鲁比的子弹射杀身亡。 |
John F. Kennedy assassination: John F. Kennedy is buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
1963年,肯尼迪刺杀案:约翰F·肯尼迪在阿林顿国家公墓被安葬。 |
John F. Kennedy won the 1960 election with the support of organized labor and was assassinated in the third year of his first term.
在工会的支持下,约翰·F·肯尼迪赢得了1960年的选举,在他第一个任期的第三年遇刺身亡。 |
John F. Kennedy: Congratulations, how do you feel?
肯尼迪:祝贺你,你感觉怎么样? |
John F. Murphy, Force and Arms,in The United Nations and International Law, ed. by Christopher C. Joyner (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997), pp. 97-130.
杨永明,「国际法与禁止武力使用和威胁」,美欧月刊,第十一卷,第二期,民八十五年二月,页92—108。 |