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B: It's a flat of 25 square metres, with a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen. In the bedroom there is a bed, a sofa, a desk and a chair.

B: It's OK, but mint tea's my favorite. 还好,不过薄荷茶是我的最爱。
B: It's September the 10th, 2005. It's our Teachers' Day. 今天是二〇〇五年九月十日,是我们的教师节。
B: It's Tanya Nekrasov. We met in Moscow last year. 我叫坦亚·尼科拉索娃,我们去年在莫斯科见过面。
B: It's a complete sentence. 是一个完整的句子。
B: It's a dog-eat-dog world out there. 外面是一个自相残杀的世界。
B: It's a flat of 25 square metres, with a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen. In the bedroom there is a bed, a sofa, a desk and a chair. 这是一套25平方米的住房,住房里面有卧室、有洗澡间、有厨房;卧室里有床、沙发、桌子和椅子等。
B: It's a lovely school. And it's a perfect place for sports. You know, I'm tennis fanatic. 这是一间很美丽的学校,在这儿做运动是一流的。你知道吗?我是个网球迷。
B: It's a pity. I didn't pass it. 很遗憾,我没有通过考试。
B: It's a rough road - what do you expect? (路这麽颠簸,你还期望怎样?)
B: It's a toss-up. He said he might work overtime today. 这是没准儿的事。他说他今天有可能加班。
B: It's about a woman who lives in a future time when women have no rights and are treated as property. 它写的是未来时代的一位女士。在那个时代妇女没有人身权利,仅仅被看作是一种财产。

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