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At the same time, an important part of generally relevant knowledge is the typology of specialists.

At the same time, a pinch-roller is installed to ensure a smooth delivery of the copper rod. 同时安装有主动牵引装置,保证铜杆的顺利导出。
At the same time, according to the exceptive requirement of customers, the company is able to promote special laser and optics system, and also supply the particular laser system with batch quantity. 同时,公司可以根据用户的特殊要求,设计加工专用激光器及光学系统,也可以提供激光系统特殊用途产品的批量供应。
At the same time, all major cities has treated it as a new point of economic growth to compete each other and gradually show the trend of -----. 各大城市都将之作为新的经济增长点,竞相发展,成百舸争流之势。
At the same time, along with the&nbs p;benefits of such machines, employees must study& nbsp;knowledge involved in such machines so that&n bsp;they are able to control them. 同时,随着这些机器带给我们的好处,员工们也必须要学习与之相关的知识以便使用它们。
At the same time, an import part of generally relevant knowledge is typology of specialists. 同时,在一般相关知识中的一个重要部份是将专家分类,。
At the same time, an important part of generally relevant knowledge is the typology of specialists. 同时,所有相关知识有一部分很重要,就是专门化的类型学。
At the same time, applicant enjoys priority services including special discount rate when successful jobs arrangement chargeable fees apply. 我们同时在给申请人办理工作准证的费用上将享受我们公司的最低标准收费。
At the same time, as China's market Zhiyezhuang recovery and revitalization, the company has with the Chinese telecommunications, mobile, major banks to maintain their cooperation has been growing maturity as a symbolic Zhiyezhuang card processors will be 与此同时,随着中国职业装市场的复苏和振兴,公司长期以来与中国电信、移动、各大银行保持合作,现已成长成熟为一个标志性职业装的优秀定牌加工商,而深受各界好评。
At the same time, basing on her own situation, the ancient Korea successfully developed her legislation and legal construction in a creative way, which had consolidated the footstone of the Chinese legal system, strengthened the character of the Chinese l 而朝鲜从本民族的国情出发,具有创造性的立法活动与法制建设,又进一步巩因了中华法系的基石,更加突出了中华法系的特点,为中华法系的丰富和发展作出了历史贡献。
At the same time, because of hard-working developing teaching and learning materials, short of time, difficult task, lack of reference resources, then I suggest that we bring Assessment Guide into teaching and learning materials, combine Students Guide an 同时,由于推广专业的教学材开发工作量大,时间紧、任务重,参考资源少,建议对每个教学项目,将鉴定指南分别纳入教材和学材,将《学生指南》和《学材》合并,只提出开发《教材》和《学材》的要求。
At the same time, because of its young age, the Minimalist Program is still a program, or approach, not a theory, thus it receives a lot of criticisms. 但在同时,因为时间尚短,最简方案只是一个设想,或是一种方法,因此,受到了很多批评。

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