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He narrowed his eyes and responded in a singsong voice.

He nailed up a sign over the door which said:No Admittance. 他在门上钉了一块牌子,上面写着:“禁止入内”。
He named the dome Sky.Evening passed and morning came - that was the second day. 夜晚过了而清晨来临,这就是第二天。
He named the land after the King's wife, Henrietta Maria, or Mary. 他以国王的妻子,贺妮瑞塔?玛莉亚,或是玛丽,来为这块土地命名。
He named this book for his pen name. 他以笔名出版了这本书。
He napped in the chair. 他坐在椅子上打盹儿。
He narrowed his eyes and responded in a singsong voice. 他眯缝着眼睛,用平淡的声调做了回答.
He narrowly beat David Beckham and James Bond hero Daniel Craig. 他险胜大卫·贝克汉姆和“007英雄”丹尼尔·克雷格,拔得头筹。
He navigated the plane through the low cloud. 他驾驶飞机穿过低低的云层。
He navigated the ship to a safe port. 他将船驶进一个安全的港口。
He nearly always wears a bow tie. 他差不多总是系著蝴蝶领结.
He nearly doesn't recognize the valley he once inhabited. 他差一点就认不出来这个他曾经居住过的山谷。

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