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“So long as the human heart is strong and the human reason weak, Royalty will be strong because it appeals to diffused feeling, and Republics weak because they appeal to the understanding” (Walter Bagehot).

“Snow Lotus” Cashmeres Sweaters from Beijing are made from superior Chinese goat cashmere fiber. 北京生产的“雪莲”牌羊绒衫,系选优质的中国山羊作原料制成。
“So Fabio must focus on playing a great season, confirming all the wonderful things he did with Samp. “所以法比奥必须集中精力于踢出一个伟大的赛季,像在桑普多利亚一样光芒十足。”
“So Fisher's not taking the limo with us? “那么马丁内兹不和我们一车走了?”
“So I jump in the Chevvy and snap it back in line , and there was a kind of scrape and thump . “我跳上雪韦车,把它倒进那排车里,接着听到了一种刮蹭声和砰的一声。
“So far we do not have any reports of outbreaks of communicable diseases, but the risk is obviously very high given the conditions of hygiene in the affected areas and the monsoon season very high heat and humidity conditions. “至今为止我们还没有接到任何有关传染病爆发的报告,但是在受灾地的卫生状况与雨季高温潮湿的既定环境中,传染病爆发的风险显然非常大。”
“So long as the human heart is strong and the human reason weak, Royalty will be strong because it appeals to diffused feeling, and Republics weak because they appeal to the understanding” (Walter Bagehot). “只要是人的情感力量强大而理性虚弱,王权政体就会强大,因为它要的是散布的情感,而共和政体便会虚弱,因为它需要理解”(瓦尔特·白哲诗)。
“So quiet and remote little village. Like…it's forgotten by the outside world and put in the control out of time and distance. (那么安静,小小的村庄,就好象……被外面的尘世遗忘了,悄悄地在时间和空间之外。)
“So that's an (I got this) idea. “所以我想出了这个主义。
“So that's very much on our agenda. “所以这一切都在我们的日程之上。
“So this is to be your conscious effort — become more aware of love, and release more love. 所以这将是你觉察力的努力,成为越来越觉知到爱,并且散发更多的爱.
“So what one needs, in order to warp space-time in a way that will allow travel into the past, is matter with negative energy density. 各位老大,久违了。我收到一个朋友的邮件,其中有一段话我看不懂,贴在下面,请各位老大帮我分析一下,告诉我怎么看它。谢谢。

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