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Devilishly clever, the goblin techies, despite their small physical presence, are a force to be reckoned with.

Devices that measure cellular responses can also be used evaluate the susceptibility of cancer cells to various drugs, allowing scientists to identify potential therapeutics more rapidly. 而可以测量细胞反应的装置也有其他用途,可用来评估癌细胞对各种药物的耐受性,让科学家更快找出潜在的治疗药物。
Devices which keep away vectors shall be installed to prevent the vectors from entering the scalding and skinningarea and the operating areas thereafter. 九应设置防止病媒侵入之设施以防止病媒进入剥皮及烫毛后之作业区。
Devil Rays starter Andy Sonnanstine (1-4) took the loss. 魔鬼鱼先发安迪索拿斯丁(1胜4败)承担本场败战。
Devil must be driven out with devils. 以毒攻毒。
Devilish conduct or character. 恶行恶魔的行径或恶德
Devilishly clever, the goblin techies, despite their small physical presence, are a force to be reckoned with. 尽管以细小的身体存在,极端狡猾聪明的哥布林技工队仍然是个要费心应付的对手。
Devils and other evil creatures live in hell. 魔鬼及其它邪恶的生灵住在地狱里。
Devils were more predictble-were too predictble.In their hierarchical view of the world,they inevitably sat on top of the pile. 魔鬼们(的举动)则更容易预见——他们太墨守陈规,按照他们对这个世界的等级观念,他们自己毫无疑问是属于最上层的。
Devise a solution and implement it. 想出解决方法并付之实施。
Devise formal strategy, plan(s), contingencies, next steps, etc. based on previous step. 在上一步骤的基础上,设计正式计划、策略、或有事项和下一步计划等。
Devise not evil against thy neighbour, seeing he dwelleth securely by thee. 29你的邻舍,既在你附近安居,你不可设计害他。

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