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Gynoecium (pl.gynoecia) The CARPEL or carpels of a flower.

Gymboree Xuhui East Center Father's Day Special Time! 金宝贝徐汇东中心父亲节特别活动!
Gymnastic education in schools in China urgently needs to be strengthened in the new century. 新世纪中国学校体操教育急待加强。
Gymnosperm A general term for any seed plant except the angiosperms, characterized by bearing naked seeds. 裸子植物:被子植物以外的种子植物统称裸子植物,以种子裸露为特征。
Gymnosperms lack endosperm and the precise double fertilization characteristic of the angiosperms, although some show a primitive form of it. 尽管裸子植物还保留有某些被子植物的基本形态,但它没有被子植物所特有的胚乳以及双受精现象。
Gynaecology is a branch of medicine. 妇科学是医学的一个分科。
Gynoecium (pl.gynoecia) The CARPEL or carpels of a flower. 雌蕊群(雌蕊):一朵花中由一个或多个心皮组成的结构。
Gypsy 100 Food use reduced by 1 day when resting (min 1 day), +3 to Merchant skill, -1 level to reputation. 吉普塞人100减少1天的食物消耗(最低为1天),+3经商,-1声誉。
Gypsy 207… Contact 175, 72 miles, looks like a flight of two, angels 10. 吉普赛人207,探测到敌机位置,175度,72海哩,像是双机编队,高度10000尺。
Gyrate The dancers gyrated wildly to the strong beat of the music. 跳舞者随着音乐的强烈节奏而猛烈地旋转着。
Gyrocopter acts as a detector. 旋翼机可以起到侦察器的作用。
Gyroscope gimbal bearings are nearly static, affording little relative motion for EHD film formation. 万向节轴承几乎是静态的,只能提供一点形成EHD油膜的运动条件。

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