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Among unexplained abortion patients fresh decidua and villi were collected.

Ammonoids Lytophiceras and Ophiceras are discovered in bed -A to bed , and regarded as the zonal fossils of the early Triasic ammonoid Ophiceras-Lytophiceras zone, indicating the Early Triassic in age. 第 -A~层产Lytophiceras和Ophiceras,为早三叠世菊石带Ophiceras-Lytophiceras的带化石。
Among patients attending the STDs clinic,serovar F(.9%),E(. %),J(.8%),D( .%)and H(8.%) were the major serotypes, and . % of patients had mixed infections. 例性病门诊病人中,以F(.9%)、E(. %)、J(.8%)、D( .%)和H(8.%)型为主,混合型感染率为. %(/ )。
Among cases of urachal adenocarcinoma extending to the bladder, received extended resection. 脐尿管腺癌 例中扩大膀胱部分切除 例 ;
Among patients in whom CAC was identified, 8% had significant coronary stenosis, and 8% of patients with with significant coronary stenosis snowed CAC by UFCT. 例确诊为冠心病的患者中,UFCT示8%有CAC。 在全组 例UFCT检出CAC患者中,8%造影示冠状动脉狭窄。
Among 8 cadres,the incidence of high blood pressure,hypertension and dyslipoproteinemia were .7%,.0%,.8% respectively. .% of them were smoking and .89% were lake of exercise. 在 8 名离休老干部中高值血压、高血压、血脂异常发病率分别为.7%,.0%,.8%,吸烟者占 .%,运动锻炼少的占.89%。
Among unexplained abortion patients fresh decidua and villi were collected. 例不明原因流产血标本,其中例采集了新鲜自然流产脱膜和绒毛。
Among CNS,there were 0 S.epidermidis strains(9.%),9 S.hemolyticus strains( .9%), S.hominis(8.0%),and 7 other kinds of Staphyloccus strains(.9%). 果 株细菌中,分离出株CNS(占7.%),其中表皮葡萄球菌 0株(9.%)、溶血葡萄球菌9株( .9%)、人葡萄球菌株(8.0%)、其他葡萄球菌7株(.9%);
Among 89 patients with CD, the location of disease were ileitis 8( %), colitis 0( %),ileocolitis 7( 0%) and the uncommon lesion including esophagus and duodenum (%). CD病变范围分型为小肠型8例( %)、结肠型 0例( %)、回结肠型7例( 0%)、其他(食道、十二指肠)例(%); 病情轻、中、重度分别为例(7%)、8例( %)、例(%);
Among The four traditional differentiation methods(The counting of white blood cell, the total ascites protein, Rivalta test, proportion) the respective coincidence rate is 9. % ,8. % , 8. 0% ,8. 0%. 传统四项鉴别法(白细胞计数、腹水总蛋白、Rivalta试验、比重)中的各单项鉴别符合率分别为9. %、8. %、8.0%、8.0%,同时符合传统四项指标的总符合率为.7%;
Among all patients, inflammatory infiltration were cases (8. %), ulcer or caseous mecrosis type cases ( . %), granulation hyperplasia type 8(.8%), scar stenosis type (9.7%), and bronchial wall intenerate type (0.9%) case. 炎症浸润型 例(8. %),溃疡或干酪坏死型例( . %),肉芽增殖型8例(.8%),瘢痕狭窄型例(9.7%),管壁软化型例,(0.9%)。
Among all age groups, the epithelial-stromal tumors and germ sex cell tumor presented the highest incidence, 77%. The highest incidence of ovarian carcinoma was in ~0 year-old groups and that of borderline tumor was in ~0 years-old. 不同发病年龄组各类卵巢肿瘤构成比仍以表面上皮-间质肿瘤和生殖细胞肿瘤最多,两者构成比之和均达到77%以上,其中恶性肿瘤以~0岁发病年龄组较多,交界瘤以~0岁发病年龄组较多。

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