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Then, to my dismay, I found that my purse had been stolen from my school bag.

Then, though He were the first of man, the first of the sons of God in spirit, in flesh, it became necessary that He fulfil ALL those associations, those connections that we re to wipe away in the experience of man that which separates him from his Maker. 尽管祂是灵中上帝之第一子,肉体上的第一人,但祂仍需要成为所有的联系、关节,从而扫除人类经历中与缔造者隔离的障碍。
Then, three years ago, on a night very like tonight, the Prime Minister had been alone in his office when the portrait had once again announced the imminent arrival of Fudge, who had burst out of the fireplace, sopping wet and in a state of considerable p 三年前,在一个酷似今晚的夜里,首相一个人待在办公室,画像突然宣告福吉即将到访,然后福吉就从壁炉里闯出来,浑身湿透了,显得相当紧张。
Then, through variance, canonical correlation and regression analysis, a deep research is carried out in the reason for the difference in the manufacturing enterprise agility between the two countries from the view of environment, agile manufacturing stra 然后,采用方差分析、典型相关分析和回归分析方法,从外部环境、敏捷制造战略目标制定和使能技术应用的角度对造成两国制造企业敏捷性改进差异的原因进行了深入分析。
Then, to build credibility, he set about assembling a prominent panel of scientists, which grew to include a Nobel Prize winner. 接著,为了建立信用,他著手找了一批著名的科学家为顾问,其中还包括一位诺贝尔奖得主。
Then, to determine the percentage, divide the number of points scored by the total number of points available and multiply that figure by 100. 然后确定他们的百分比,用所参考数据的总和除以所记载数据点的数量,然后所得的数据在乘以100.
Then, to my dismay, I found that my purse had been stolen from my school bag. 然后,令我惊慌的是,我发现书包的钱包被偷走了。
Then, to that extent, men's psyche is not suit to do those, and that may serve a practical continuation of life, of soul, psycho existence, the owned time and space. 那么从这个层次上说,人的灵魂就并不是和某个人配套的,它将会造成生命的延续,只是在精神上有灵魂的存在,有时间和空间。
Then, too, we are a materially improved society, and by our own improvements we seem to have weakened the case for further change. 此外,我们是个物质生活已得到改善的社会,通过自己状况的改善我们似乎已削弱了进一步变革的理由。
Then, two particular distribution cases are discussed for replenishment intervals and, by sensitivity analysis, how the replenishment intervals affect retailer's profit is expounded. 在此基础上,又分析了补货间隔期服从两种特殊分布情况,并通过灵敏度分析说明了补货间隔期对其利润的影响。
Then, upsetting the universal belief that nothing, not even light, can escape from a black hole, he used the quantum theory to demonstrate that these miniholes (and larger ones too) emit radiation. 后来,他用量子理论证明这些小洞(还有大一些的)能发出射线,从而推翻了认为任何东西(包括光在内)都不能逃脱黑洞的普遍看法。
Then, using the least control condition, the parallel images can be magnified to the scaled image. 随后,依据最少的实地控制,将平行影像放大到给定比例尺数字城市中。

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