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INTRODUCTION :In bright sunshine, three girls are vying with each other forward; maybe flying a kite or waving to a faraway plane or rushing to catch a bird.

INTJ (Introverted intuiting with thinking): These are the most independent of all types. They love logic and ideas and are drawn to scientific research. They can be rather single-minded, though. 内向,藉由思考观察):这是所有类型中最独特的。他们爱好逻辑以及构想,而可发展成科学研究。然而,他们相当率真/一心一意,专心致志。
INTP (Introverted thinking with intuiting): Faithful, preoccupied, and forgetful, these are the bookworms. 内向,凭洞察力思考):忠实、全神贯注、以及疏忽/不注意,典型的书虫。
INTRO TO YOGA begins this Sat 11 Aug 07 Sat 2-3.20pm. 瑜伽入门引导课程:从8月11日(周六)下午2—3:20开始。
INTRODUCTION :Artificial ware and still natural lake creates the subtle rhythm, showing the plea ire, the innocent mood, and the eagerness to the nature. 作品简介:人造的波纹与平静的自然湖水产生微妙的韵律,表达了快乐,纯净的心情,对自然的朴实的向往。
INTRODUCTION :Blending the modern concept and the culture of ancient capital, the sculpture, with its special art langage is pleasing to the age. 作品简介:作品艺术语言单纯,意将发展中的现代意识与厚重的古都文化相交融,给人以视觉上震撼。
INTRODUCTION :In bright sunshine, three girls are vying with each other forward; maybe flying a kite or waving to a faraway plane or rushing to catch a bird. 作品简介:在明媚的阳光之下,三位女孩争相向前,也许是放飞了一只风筝,也许是向远去的飞机示意,也许仅仅是为了一只美丽的小鸟。
INTRODUCTION :In this work “bridge” and “river” are the same. The central line is a silent stable point enjoying the sideways rocking movement. 作品简介:在这件作品中,“桥”和“河”是一体的。一个无声而稳定地振荡前行的点,划出了这件作品的中线。
INTRODUCTION :Intelligent and moving water, alludes the mixing and infiltration of all lives. Also the water is a metaphor to the idea of modern sculpture and an oriental aesthetics symbol. 作品简介:灵动的水,寓意着万物生命的融合与渗透。东方美学符号与现代雕塑理念的融通如灵动的水贯穿于作品之中。
INTRODUCTION :It is an age of information, multi-culture co-esists.The boat made of iron tube is like a web,forming an internet communication space. 作品简介:网络时代,信息的交流、沟通;多元文化的共生。方舟之型,用钢管折转,构成一多变而互为联通的网络空间。
INTRODUCTION :It is made of components of wasted machine with the height of 135cm and length of 94cm and width of 70cm, symbolizing the transformation and extortion of life. 作品简介:此作品由废旧机器零件制作而成,它的动态为一个行走者,象征着生命的转换,生命的延续。
INTRODUCTION :It's Dream roaming in the honzon. It's Dream Shuttling in the time and space, such carefree in the Dream world.Instant,be awake.That's short life as if Dream. 作品简介:这是遨游于天际的梦、穿梭于时空的梦,梦中的世界是如此的自由自在。在梦醒的刹那,如同从水面浮出一般,轻松而又隐怀着一丝遗憾。

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