Puppy love is serious to the lovers, if a little ludicrous to parents, brothers, and sisters, but it should be respected, for it has its painful aspects. |
中文意思: 孩子的初恋对于父母、哥哥、姐姐来说似乎有点幼稚可笑,但对于恋人来说却是非常严肃的,理应受到尊重,因为初恋亦有令人痛苦的一面。 |
Puppies may also get tangled in ropes or the plastic from six-pack beverage holders.
小狗还很容易被绳子或者6包装易拉罐的塑料固定包装绳缠绕。 |
Puppies run on a doggie treadmill machine during a workout at Ken21, a pet store and hotel, in Tokyo February 8, 2003.
2月9日,一对小狗在东京一家宠物商店专为宠物设计的跑步机上跑步。 |
Puppies should not be allowed to socialize with other dogs or frequent areas where other dogs have been until 2 weeks after they have had their last vaccination.
犬类在最后一次免疫接种后2星期内禁止与其他犬类接触,禁止前往其他犬类经常出没的地点。 |
Puppies will often tear when they are teething, which then clears up without treatment.
幼犬在出牙其间经常会流泪但之后泪痕又会自己消除。 |
Puppies, no matter what breed, are so little that they can slip through openings and fall.
不管是什么品种的狗,由于他们还小,都有可能从空穴滑落。 |
Puppy love is serious to the lovers, if a little ludicrous to parents, brothers, and sisters, but it should be respected, for it has its painful aspects.
孩子的初恋对于父母、哥哥、姐姐来说似乎有点幼稚可笑,但对于恋人来说却是非常严肃的,理应受到尊重,因为初恋亦有令人痛苦的一面。 |
Puppy may be tempted to chew the ribbon, which can cause digestive problems. He could also choke himself if he catches the ribbon on anything.
狗狗可能试图啃咬丝带,这样会导致消化问题。如果带子钩在其他物体上,还可能导致狗狗窒息。 |
Puppy socialization should be the responsibility of all breeders to make sure that puppies are ready for social acceptance of people.
幼犬的社会化应是所有繁育者的责任,他们应确保幼犬做好准备来接受人类社会。 |
Pupu: I'm here, help,help.I can't get the crystal.
我在这,就我啊,我不能拿到水晶。 |
Puranas are named after the three main forms of Brahman: Brahma, the Creator; Vishnu, the Protector of Life and Humanity; and Shiva, the Destroyer.
往世书是根据婆罗门的三种主要形态来命名的:梵天,创造者;毗瑟奴,人类与生命的保护者;湿婆,毁灭者。 |
Purchase Dept. Fill in Purchase Order according Purchase Application. The Purchase Order should define legal supplies name, address, bank, bank number, relating person and whose information, payment manners, etc.
采购部根据采购申请表填写采购订单,采购订单必须明确合法的供应商名称,地址,开户银行,银行帐号,联系人及联系人信息,付款方式等. |