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That plant with purple flowers is flag.

That place needs to be shut down, for the good of the city. 为了这个城市好,那个地方应该被关闭。
That place stank of decayed fish. 那地方有烂鱼的臭味。
That plan was going swimmingly – as they removed the oxygen hoses, dressed him in funeral clothes, and placed him in the mourning hall – until he started breathing heavily. 计划进行地很顺利--他们把氧气管拔出,给他穿上了寿衣,并将他安置到一个灵堂中--直到后来他开始大声呼吸。
That plane crash occurred only minutes after take-off. 空难在起飞几分钟后就发生了。
That plank was rotted by water. 那块木板被水腐蚀了。
That plant with purple flowers is flag. 那种开紫花的植物是菖蒲。
That plastic necklace is kind of tacky. 那个塑胶项链有点俗不可耐。
That play of his was a flash in the pan; he hasn't written a thing of value since. 他的那部剧作可谓昙花一现,此后他再也没有写出过有价值的东西了。
That play screens badly. 那个剧本不适于拍电影。
That play was replayed on Clipper TV network for no fewer than a dozen times. 这段片段在快船的电视台放了不下十几遍。
That played a large role in Hamas's landslide victory. 而这对哈马斯取得压倒性胜利起到了很大的作用。

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