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If I remember correctly, it is about 6cm in diameter.

If I play it will be my first time against Aston Villa and hopefully I will have a good game and get to know them. 如果我参加比赛,这会是我第一次同阿斯顿维拉对阵,希望我有出色的表现,也希望了解对手。”
If I read you correctly, you must have blown the deal with that big-shot client. 假如我猜得没错,你一定把那个大客户的生意搞了!
If I reason with him, I think he might drop it. 要是我和他讲理,我想他可能不提它。
If I rebuild what I destroyed, I prove that I am a lawbreaker. 18我素来所拆毁的,若重新建造,这就证明自己是犯罪的人。
If I refuse to allow one who is dear to me to suffer for the sake of Christ, if I do not see such suffering as the greatest honor that can be offered to any follower of the Crucified, then I know nothing of Calvary love. 若我拒绝让自己所亲爱的人为基督的缘故受苦;若我不能体会这样的受苦乃是任何一个跟随那位被钉十字架之主者所能得到的最高荣誉,那我就还是丝毫不懂得加略山的爱。
If I remember correctly, it is about 6cm in diameter. 如果我记得没错的话,它的直径约为6公分.
If I remember correctly, it was for twenty-five dollars. 如果我没记错,那是25美元。
If I remember rightly the party starts at 8 pm. 我记得聚会是在下午8点开始.
If I repent of anything, it is very likely to be my good behaviour. 如果我后悔什么事情,那很可能是我的良好品行。
If I rest, I rust. 如果我休息,我就会生锈.
If I return the life span of one fine day, I want the girlfriend that you do me that day.Do I return the life of one fine day? 如果我还有一天的寿命,那天我要你做我的女友.我还有一天的生命吗?

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