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Leo: You're in luck. He is available tomorrow.

Leo: Well, you're in luck. The Lantern Festival parade is on tomorrow. It's very colourful. 利奥:对了,你们真的很幸运。元宵节灯会就在明天举行。那是一个五彩缤纷的活动。
Leo: Yes, that's what I really want. 里欧:是啊,我真的想这麽做。
Leo: Yes. But if he can lie about something small, then he can lie about something more important later! I don't want to take that risk. 里欧:没错,可是如果他连小事都说谎,那以后就可能为了更重要的事说谎!我才不冒那种险。
Leo: Yes. Yours is a butterfly. 利奥:是呀,你的是蝴蝶灯笼。
Leo: You are displeased by the single red rose some admirer left on your windshield. Clearly you are worth at least a dozen! 狮子座:有人悄悄送了一支玫瑰,这让你很是恼火,因为至少该送一打玫瑰啊!
Leo: You're in luck. He is available tomorrow. 利奥:你们很幸运,他明天有空。
Leo: …and I've been doing this job for seven years. 利奥:而且我在这个行当里已经工作七年了。
Leo:Keep usually to keep to of Leo cans not stands most to all hide the words in the heart bottom, stuffy don't utter a word, and then be not good at Cancer of[with] communication, but you meet this type of people always again, you want to come to a magni 狮子座:向来直来直往的狮子座最受不了把话都藏在心底、闷不吭声,又不擅沟通的巨蟹座,但你又老是遇到这类的人,你想要来一场轰轰烈烈的恋爱,可是巨蟹座的都不能提供,这让你很困扰。
Leon Knight (raised £100,000 at Brighton), Joel Kitamirike (now at Dundee), Joe Keenan (on loan at Westerlo), Carlton Cole (on loan at Aston Villa), Robert Huth. 莱昂-奈特(目前在布里顿涨了10万英镑)、乔-基塔米里克(目前在邓迪)、乔-基南(目前租借给威斯特罗)、卡尔顿-科尔(目前租借给阿斯顿维拉)、罗伯特-胡特。
Leon Nacson: Air and water pollution are our Number One priorities. 利昂·纳可森:空气和水污染是我们关注的首要问题。
Leon didn't finish his geometry homework because his mind kept jumping the track to think about the new girl in class. 利昂没完成几何作业,因为他思想总在开小差,想着班上新来的女生。

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