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At present there is few sites for car racing and testing, which cannot meet the demands of the auto market.

At present the people in this country are increasingly awakening. 目前,这个国家的人民正在日益觉醒。
At present the profiteering problem exists in part of our non-profit organizations to some degree. . 目前,我国部分非营利组织在一定程度上存在着营利问题。
At present the project construction work gradually contracts, mainly is mechanical and electrical the installation personnel to use; Upstream the main corporation four power plants are beginning gradually, the software use had the request in the tender do 目前工程土建工作逐渐收缩,主要是机电安装人员在使用;总公司上游四个电站正逐步开工,软件使用已在招标文件中有所要求。
At present the remote sensing technology is applied in a large scale in the environmental science domain, also has achieved a better result. 目前遥感技术在环境科学的众多领域都有了广泛的应用,也取得了较大的成果。
At present there are mainly four factors affecting the teaching effect of thought politics theory class, including the contradiction between the low level of students' cognition and the abstract teaching system, the contradiction between Students' network 摘要影响高职思想政治理论课教学效果的因素主要有四个:学生认知水平低与教学体系抽象的矛盾;学生网络思维方式与教师传统思维方式的矛盾;教师和学生的信息不对称;教师科研能力不如教学能力强的问题。
At present there is few sites for car racing and testing, which cannot meet the demands of the auto market. 目前北京地区可用于汽车比赛和测试的场地极少,无法满足市场的需要。
At present there is no general method to estimate their performances on the same basis or presupposition, so it is hard to make contrast between different vehicle concepts. 目前对地铁车辆的动力学性能评价尚没有统一的方法,因此对各种形式的地铁车辆方案的对比也就没有一个统一的基础和前提。
At present there is not a domestic law protecting the right of traditional name of a shop directly, and we have to protect the right of trade name under the framework of actual anti-unfair competition law. 我国还没有建立起专门的商号权法律保护制度,只能在现行反不正当竞争法的框架下切实保护商号权。
At present there's talk about future additions to the team, but also about possible departures. Ronaldinho and Deco are two of the names that keep coming up. 记者:人们都在讨论球队将来的状况,当然也包括一些球员的离开.小罗纳尔多和德科是经常被提到的.
At present they are living in Cairo. 他们现在住在开罗。
At present three forths people approve of the opinion. 目前有四分之三的人赞成该提案。

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