He, in company with many others, feels this decision is wrogn. |
中文意思: 和许多其他人一样,他觉得这个决定是错误的. |
He, alone among men, could put a pack upon Buck's back in the summer traveling.
夏季旅行中,人群中只有他可以把行李放在巴克的背上。 |
He, as an old hand, had a desk to himself.
作为一个老资格的学生,他单独有一张书桌。 |
He, furthermore, stresses that the necessary conditions for an everlasting beautiful painting are individual character of schema and connotative pureness of painting styles.
同时,文章强调山水画在注重图式个性的同时,应使笔墨的精神内涵更加纯粹,这是提升山水画“耐看”的必要条件。 |
He, himself, was wounded by shrapnel (fragments of exploding shells).
他自己也被流弹(爆炸后弹壳的碎片)所伤。 |
He, however, explained it himself in terms of avoiding the glare of the sun-particularly the glare from windows inside sharply sunlit buildings.
这堵墙从向天空敞开的洞口处接收日光,因此使窗户的眩光减轻,但又不遮挡视线。” |
He, in company with many others, feels this decision is wrogn.
和许多其他人一样,他觉得这个决定是错误的. |
He, in his sleigh pulled by nine reindeer, usually lands on slippery sloped roofs.
他坐在由九头驯鹿拉着的雪橇上,在通常很滑的斜屋顶上降落。 |
He, like his teammates, is very humble, and prefers to defer to Duncan.
和他谦逊的队友们一样,他也表示邓肯才是更合适的人选。 |
He, said, “Is it a true story?
他问我那是否是个真实的故事。 |
He, too, arrived near Calais on the same day with a new Antoinette.
同一天,他驾驶一架新的“安特瓦特”号飞机来到了加来附近。 |
He, too, is unable to come to terms with the sequence of events that tore his family apart this year.
一年下来,他也忍受不了使家庭支离破碎的这一系列不幸事件的折磨。 |