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Another industrial chemical-Melamine was found in wheat flour used to make pet food in North America.

Another important project is the National Symphony Orchestra American Residencies for the John F. 另一个重要的项目是约翰?F?肯尼迪表演艺术中心的国家交响乐团的演出场地的建设。
Another important source of cadmium emission is the production of artificial phosphate fertilizers. 另一个释放镉的主要途径是人工磷酸盐化肥的生产。
Another in a long line of injuries, the latest setback could not come at a worse time for Camby, who is shooting better than 50 percent from the floor while averaging 16.2 points and 10.2 rebounds in 25 games. 又一次长期的伤病,最近的困扰对坎比来说实在是糟糕透顶,他近来命中率超过了50%,场均16.2分还有10.2个篮板在25场比赛里。
Another industrial chemical, melamine, was found in wheat flour used to make pet food in North America. 在北美洲用来制作宠物食品的小麦面粉中发现了另一种工业化学品,三聚氰胺。
Another industrial chemical, melamine, was found in wheat flour used to make pet food in North America. Thousands of dogs and cats died or became sick. 在北美洲在一种被用于制造宠物饲料的小麦粉中,发现了另一种化工品—三聚氰胺。它导致了上千的猫狗死亡或生病。
Another industrial chemical-Melamine was found in wheat flour used to make pet food in North America. 在北美发现了用于宠物食品的面粉含有工业三聚氰胺。
Another influence on the bond market is the willingness of foreign countries to buy United States government debt. 另一个影响债券市场的因素是外国乐意购买美国政府债券。
Another influence on the bond market is the willingness of foreign countries to buy untied states government debt, in Asia their have been signs that some countries that hold a lot of low-yield debt want greater returns on their investments, China, for ex 另一个影响债券市场的是外国是否愿意购买美国政府债券,在亚洲有迹象表明一些持有部分低盈利债券国家在他们的投资上期望获得更多回报,比如中国,近期宣布将向纽约私人公司黑石集团投资30亿美元。
Another influence on the bond market is the willingness of the foreign countries to buy US government debt. 债券市场的另一个影响因素是,境外国家购买美国政府债券的意愿。
Another influence on the bond market is the willings (willingness) of foreign countries to buy United States government debt. 债券市场的另一个影响是其他国家购买美国政府债务的意愿。
Another influent sound (influence on) the bond market is the willing this(willingness) of foreign countries to buy US government debt. 另一个影响债券市场的就是国际投资者不愿意购买美国国库券。

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