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The analysis has proved that fiber laser through coherent beam combination must be necessary for the future airborne soft killing high power laser source.

The analysis and application of the radon-measuring method in typical areas in combination with drilling results have proved it to be obviously effective. 通过典型地区剖析和应用,结合钻探成果证实测氡法效果明显。
The analysis and deciphering of cryptographic writings or systems. 密码分析对密码书写或密码系统的分析和译解
The analysis and study, on physical education with fun and the inherent relation-ship between physical education with fun and mastering athletic competence, can further contribute to excavate and explore the profound connotation of the teaching of physica 分析和研究这一争论的是非得失,从而决定取舍,笔者认为有助于进一步挖掘和探索“快乐体育教学”的深刻内涵。
The analysis concludes that government regulators should evaluate antibacterial product claims and advertising, and further studies are encouraged. 研究结果说明,政府有责任对抗菌产品宣称的功效进行评估,并应鼓励开展进一步研究。
The analysis considered the improvement of the coalbed physical property by heat in structural movements in high coal rank reservoirs and the important role of biogas and free gas in low rank CBM reservoirs. 在分析过程中考虑了构造热事件对高煤阶煤层气藏物性的改造作用和生物气、游离气在低煤阶煤层气成藏过程中的作用。
The analysis has proved that fiber laser through coherent beam combination must be necessary for the future airborne soft killing high power laser source. 分析表明相干组束光纤激光器是未来机载软杀伤高功率光源的必然选择。
The analysis included 2522 community-dwelling subjects, aged 70 to 79 years, without baseline depressive symptoms. 研究选取年龄70-79岁来自2522个不同的生活小区,不包括处于抑郁症基线水平的患者。
The analysis indicates that micropacking silica fume works to the density and relative density of RPC, and its pozzolanic effect helps the strength of RPC. 硅灰的微填充效应有利于提高活性粉末混凝土的密度和相对密度,而火山灰效应有利于提高其强度。
The analysis indicates that temperature change can fall into three successive phases (temperature rising fast, temperature stabilization and temperature rising slowly); internal pressure is composed of vapor pressure and air pressure. 分析表明:板坯内部的温度变化分为3个阶段,即快速升温阶段、温度稳定阶段和后期的慢速升温阶段;内部气压由水蒸气分压和空气分压组成。
The analysis indicates that the maximum deflection is directly proportional to density and the square of span, and inversely proportional to stress, but independent of diameter and elastic modulus. 分析结果表明:由于丝线长径比很大,丝线的最大挠度跟密度以及跨度的平方成正比,与所受的应力成反比,而同丝线的直径的具体数值和材料的刚度无关。
The analysis indicates that the use of those revenue and the consumption expenditure by the government have a positive long-run effect over the economic growth while public investment does not bear perceivable effect. 通过分析我们认为政府预算外非税支出、政府购买支出对经济增长的长期影响为正,政府基建支出对经济增长无显著影响。

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