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The outbread of heart disease will endangered the sufferer's life straightly.

The ousted dictator's fellow Sunnis paraded through his hometown vowing to avenge the verdict. 而追随被驱逐的独裁者的逊尼派教徒在他家乡游行示威,发誓要对这一判决进行报复。
The out break of the war precipitated the collapse of our firm. 战争的爆发加速了我们公司的倒闭。
The out-of-order fluxion of teachers and the unbalance of the qualified teachers cause the unbalanced development of the teachers of compulsory education. 当前义务教育师资的无序流动和师资质量的良莠不齐导致义务教育师资的非均衡发展。
The outbound flight depart at9.15. 飞往外地(或外国)的飞机9:15起飞。
The outbound travel business is a symbol of the development of a country's national economy and the maturity of its tourism industry. 出境旅游业反映了一个国家国民经济的发展水平及其旅游业的成熟。
The outbread of heart disease will endangered the sufferer's life straightly. 心脏病的发作有可能直接危及到患者的生命安全.
The outbreak in Igdir and other suspected outbreaks in this part of the country are thought to have occurred following introduction of the virus by migratory birds. 伊迪尔省和该国其他地区报告的疫情或疑似感染是候鸟传播的。
The outbreak of World WarⅡkept Einstein from doing his research work. 二次世界大战的爆发中断了爱因斯坦的研究工作。
The outbreak of bird flu has inflicted devastating losses on the poultry sector. 禽流感的爆发使家禽业的损失惨重。
The outbreak of heart disease may endanger the life of the sufferer's life. 心脏病的发作有可能直接危及到患者的生命安全.
The outbreak of riot caused many people to die. 暴乱的发生使很多人丧生。

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