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Go against the grain. Don't believe in other people's visions for you, believe in your own.

Go across the bridge, you'll find the hospital. 越过这座桥,你就会看到这家医院。
Go after him at once and give him this letter. (立刻追上去把这封信交给他。)
Go after it with all that you are. 应全力以赴去追寻它。
Go after your dreams with energy and passion, or you may as well stand back and watch them wash down the drain. 精力充沛、满怀激情地追求梦想吧,否则你只好止步不前,眼看着梦想付诸东流。
Go after your goals and don't be afraid to ask for assistance. 努力去实现自己的目标吧,不要害怕向别人寻求帮助。
Go against the grain. Don't believe in other people's visions for you, believe in your own. 对抗迟疑。不要在后别人看你的眼光,相信你自己。
Go ahead and do what you like. 干吧,你喜欢干什么就干什么。
Go ahead and do what you like. 去吧,喜欢干什么就干什么。
Go ahead and lay the groundwork for your next great achievement. 要始终向前,并为下一次的成功铺就平坦之路。
Go ahead and leave on your vacation. Don't worry about this work. By the time you get back we shall have taken care of everything. 去吧,度假去吧。别为这工作担心。到你回来时我们已经把每件事都办妥了。
Go ahead and make your page look nicer. 那么,赶快试试它们,让你的页面看上去更加美观吧!

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