Corzine broke his leg, a number of ribs, his sternum and cracked a vertebra when his motorcade crashed along the Garden State Parkway yesterday.
科赞昨天他的车子在公园州(美国新泽西州之别名)的驾车专用道路发生事故,这使得他的腿,许多肋骨以及胸骨受伤,而且其脊椎骨骨裂。 |
Cos everybody needs a little star.
因为大家需要一个小星星。 |
Cos of the limitation of time, we've only been to Lotus&Weeping Willow Park, North PuTuo Temple, Forest Bathing and Tower.
因为时间有限,只去了荷花垂柳,北普陀寺,森林浴场和塔楼4个景区。 |
Cos we can make a difference, in some body's life!
因为我们可以使这些人的生命变得不同! |
Cos you were all yellow.
因为你们都是黄色的。 |
Cose, Ellis. Our New Look: The Colors of Race.
我们的新面貌:人种的颜色〉。 |
Cosmetic Advertisements: How Can You Enable Us to Trust You?
90化妆品广告:让我如何相信你? |
Cosmetic surgery can be one of the biggest decisions youll ever make.
整容手术可能是你一生中所做过的最大的决定。 |
Cosmetic surgery clinics in Seoul said they have been booked solid for weeks with appointments made by children for their parents.
首尔美容手术诊所称孩子们为父母们预定的手术已经把未来好几周的时间表都排满了。 |
Cosmetic surgery experts said last night that the Angels appear to have had extraordinary amount of work done over the years - just to keep those calls for work coming in.
整容外科专家昨晚指出:为了能够保持她们的舞台生涯,三位霹雳娇娃这些年来应该做了不少整形手术。 |
Cosmetic surgery is altering not just how people look but how they feel by changing perceptions of middle age, a study showed Monday.
本周一公布的一项调查显示,整容手术不仅改变着人的容貌,而且还通过改变人们对中年的理解使人的心理发生变化。 |