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A toxin produced by bacteria that is specific for intestinal cells and causes the vomiting and diarrhea associated with food poisoning.

A town of southwest France at the foot of the Pyrenees. It is noted for its Roman Catholic shrine marking the site where the Virgin Mary is said to have appeared to Saint Bernadette in1858. Population, 17,425. 卢尔德法国西南部比利牛斯山脚下的一个城镇,以罗马天主教的圣地而闻名。这个圣地传统是1858年圣母玛利亚出现在圣伯纳前的地方。人口17,425
A town of southwest Vermont east of Brattleboro. It is a tourist center and the seat of Bennington College(established1925). Population, 16,451. 本宁顿美国佛蒙特州西南部的一城镇,位于布拉特尔伯勒以东。是旅游中心及本宁顿大学(建于1925年)所在地。人口16,451
A town with a population of 100,000 contained church, schools and efficient railway linkage. 设计10万人的市镇,有教堂、中小学及幼稚园,并有便利的交通网络,由铁路所连接。
A town-dweller was visiting the country and was praising the cleanliness of the air. 一个城里人到乡下去游玩,他特别赞赏那里洁净的空气。
A toxic chemical or other substance. 有毒的化学品或其它物质
A toxin produced by bacteria that is specific for intestinal cells and causes the vomiting and diarrhea associated with food poisoning. 肠毒素由只限于肠结胸的细菌而产生的毒素,引起呕吐和腹泻并导致食物中毒
A toxin that damages or destroys nerve tissue. 神经毒素损害或破坏神经组织的毒素
A toy instrument with a membrane that produces a sound when a player hums or sings into the mouthpiece. 卡祖笛一种当吹奏者向吹口处低吟或哼唱时一个膜能够发出声音的玩具乐器
A track called My Petitiontells the story of a young boy's letter to the President. 有一首叫做《我的恳求》的歌,讲述了一个小男孩写信给总统的故事。
A track event in which contestants compete in walking a specified distance. 竞走比赛一种径赛运动,参加者以走的方式在一段固定的距离内竞争
A track from a three-toed dinosaur believed to be about 70 million years old has been discovered in Denali National Park, the first evidence that the animals roamed there, scientists said. 美国科学家日前表示,一块被认为是7000万年前的恐龙脚印化石在阿拉斯加州的德纳里峰国家森林公园现身。这表明该地区曾经生活着恐龙。

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