“Artists' Self-Portraits from the Uffizi” is at the Dulwich Picture Gallery, London, until July 15th.
“乌菲齐美术馆艺术家自画像”在伦敦达利齐画廊的展览截止于7月15日. |
“As I was saying, you don't have a clue what really goes on around here. That's why you need a grapevine!
“就像我说的,你并不知道这里正在发生什么。这就是为什么你需要葡萄藤的原因!” |
“As a Roman, to play in my home city would be a dream come true, but I am achieving a great deal with Udinese.
“作为罗马人,在自己的家乡踢球的梦想即将丝线,但是我将尽全力帮助乌迪内斯。 |
“As a developing country with a fast-growing economy and large population, it will require a great deal of money to completely change the energy structure and adopt clean energy,” he said.
“作为一个发展中国家,作为一个经济快速发展、人口众多的国家,要想彻底改变能源结构、使用清洁能源,需要花很多的钱。” |
“As a player, you always hope to play in the big tournaments and in that sense, Wayne is no different from anyone else.
“作为一个球员,你总是希望能够参加大赛。从这个意义上说,鲁尼和别人没有不同。 |
“As a result of this stroke, his rehabilitation period will be longer and more challenging.
“作为本次中风的结果,他的复原期会更长更有挑战性。 |
“As an actor, there's a bit of you that's decided you want to be looked at and watched, but there's a paradoxical bit that wants to run away.
“作为演员,我也会渴望人们的关注和欣赏;但矛盾的是,有时我却又想远远的离开这一切。 |
“As anyone who has ever spent any time in California can attest, much public attention is being focused on the great earthquake-prediction debate.
“如在加利福尼亚待上过任何一段时期的任何人可以证明的那样,公众一直对大地震预测的辩论相当观注。 |
“As far as I could hear,” Pierre, blushing, again interposed in the conversation, “almost all the nobility have gone over to Bonaparte.
“据我所闻,”皮埃尔涨红着脸又插嘴了,“几乎全部贵族都已投靠波拿巴了。” |
“As little design as possible.
设计时尽可能的不做设计。 |
“As pioneers of advertising, it is time for us to trailblaze again.
“作为广告行业的先锋,是我们再次独领风骚的时候了。 |