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In order to avoid flying to the batting of outside, both hands translat pole one lightly and will cause hook to state of closing.

In order to avoid damage in transit, we suggest packing in wooden cases instead of wicker baskets. 为了避免运输途中的损坏,我方建议勿使用柳条筐,而要使用木制箱。
In order to avoid damage the surround of the prestressed steel by friction with the ground when steel piling up, the drawing drum shall be made for the steel use and it is required to most possibly avoiding its friction with ground. 回答:为避免堆放时预应力筋与地面摩擦而损坏包裹层,应制作放线盘放料,沿下料方向应尽量减少与地面接触。
In order to avoid depressing prices further, the CSRC and two-thirds of the public, minority shareholders will in each instance have to approve the conversion of non-tradable into normal shares. 为了避免长时间压低价格,证监会和2/3的公众、少数股股东将不得不在每一例实施过程中就非流通股向普通股的转化问题达成一致并批准通过。
In order to avoid duplicating the decision making everywhere an instance is created, we need a mechanism for creating instances of related classes without necessarily knowing which will be instantiated. 为了避免在每个实例创建时重复决策,我们需要一种创建相关类的实例而不需要知道哪一个将被实例化的机制。
In order to avoid eutectic carbide, improve nodularity, increase nodule count and increase mechanical properties, three times of inoculations were adopted in the centrifugally cast nodular iron pipes production: a) inoculation in ladle; 2) pouring stream 摘要在离心铸造球墨铸铁管生产中,为防止共晶渗碳体析出,改善球化,增加石墨球数,提高力学性能,采用了三次孕育:(1)包内孕育;(2)浇注时随流孕育;(3)型内孕育。
In order to avoid flying to the batting of outside, both hands translat pole one lightly and will cause hook to state of closing. 为了避免飞向外侧的击球,双手轻翻杆面至闭合状态会导致左曲球。
In order to avoid golf ball shift to right side, you should turn over your hands slightly till the clubface early, draw will change to hook. 为了避免球向右偏移,你的双手轻翻将杆面至闭合状态,此时就会形成轻度的左飞球;如果双手过早闭合杆面,左飞球就变成了左曲球。
In order to avoid incorrect billing Members are required to present their membership card s when using the halfway house. 为避免因忙乱而错误入账,请会员在球场小卖亭消费时,主动出示会员卡。
In order to avoid such calamity, do not give out your account name and password to anyone, and make sure your child or trustee (under age 18) whom you've authorized to use the account understands how serious this issue is -- that sharing the account name 为避免类似不幸的发生,请不要向其它人提供你的账号名称和密码,并确保您的子女或18岁以下的托管人都明白此问题的严重性——与他人共享密码和账号会危及到他或她,以及您的游戏角色。
In order to avoid taking immediate action, they used the classic delaying tactic of setting up a committee of inquiry. 为了避免立即采取行动,他们采用了成立另一个调查委员会这种传统拖延战术。
In order to avoid the difficulties arising from calculating the energy index K values of the reservoirs with hydraulics relations in the process, the coordinates rotation method is adopted to transfer the decision-making process for multi-reservoirs simul 采用坐标轮换法,将多库同时供、蓄水决策转化为单库逐次轮换决策,可有效解决具有水力联系的多水库能量指数(K)求解困难。

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