Hence the hen cries whenever it sees a chicken.
从此每当那只母鸡看见小鸡时就叫. |
Hence the importance of understanding how Alzheimer's works, the better to devise a treatment.
因此重要的是弄清痴呆症的病理,那样就能更好地设计治疗方案了。 |
Hence the inexplicable and mysterious disappearances that has very often been blamed on the area of the ocean known as the Bermuda Triangle!
因此那难于解释和神秘的失踪就是闻名的百慕大三角海洋区域引起造成的! |
Hence the key is that it was from an authentic Guru, and that is all.
因此其要点就是,那是从一个真正合格的上师处得到的,并且只要这样就好了。 |
Hence the massive storage capacity.
这样就可以获得巨大的存储容量。 |
Hence the name the Moon Reflection Peak.
这种借景手法亦为他园少见,别匠具心。 |
Hence the neurosis, despair, the Kafka feeling that the whole marvelous fabric of American life is coming apart at the seams.
因此出现了神经质、绝望以及感到美好的美国生活结构正在崩溃的卡夫卡式忧郁。 |
Hence the notion of the genome as a blueprint.
因此之故,也才有基因组等同于生命蓝图的说法。 |
Hence the potential appeal of protectionist and anti-immigrant policies.
因此贸易保护主义和反移民政策的潜在呼声自然十分巨大。 |
Hence the properties, such as energy and incident direction, of the incident cosmic ray can be calculated according to data from stations.
因此,透过比较不同观测站的数据,可以推算原初宇宙射线的能量、入射方向等资料。 |
Hence the recommendation that all Buddhists, both men and women, lay or ordained, should reflect daily on the facts of aging, illness, separation, and death — to develop feelings of samvega — and on the power of one's own actions, to take samvega one step
故有此番教诫:无分男女、在家出家,每日籍省思老病离死,长养厌离之感,下一步,藉由个人自身行动之力,将厌离升华为清净。 |