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No one would have known about their affair if he hadn't knocked her up.

No one would allow his family privacy to be invaded. 谁也不会允许自己的家庭私生活受到侵扰。
No one would claim the wicked are raptured at this time, yet Matthew 13:39-41, 49 says the angels will not only gather the elect, but also the wicked. 没有人会宣称恶者在这时会被提,在马太13:19-41,49说天使不单聚集选民,同时也聚集恶者。
No one would come into contact with such a mean person. 对于这样小气的人,谁也不愿意和他打交道。
No one would deny this has been a difficult season and with supporters concerned about events on and off the field, Rick Parry addressed some of those issues in an exclusive interview with lfc.tv. 没有人会否认,这个赛季对利物浦来说是一个艰难的赛季,球迷对球场内外的好些事情都有很多疑团,行政总裁帕里特地接受官方网站独家专访,为球迷带来一些答案。
No one would have dreamt of there being such a fine place. 谁也没想到会有这样的一个好地方。
No one would have known about their affair if he hadn't knocked her up. 要是他不使她怀孕的话,谁也不知道他们的爱昧关系。
No one would keep looking once they find what they are looking for. 一旦人们找到他们寻找的东西后,没有人还会找下去。
No one would like to live in a tyrannical despotism. 谁也不愿意生活在一个暴君专制的国家。
No one would play cards with him because he was a cheater. 谁也不愿意跟他打牌,因为他是个会作弊的人。
No one would willingly subject himself to such shame. 没人会心甘情愿受这种羞辱。
No one writes to me besides you. 除你以外, 没有人给我写信.

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