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The clinker discharged from grate cooler will be transported by chain conveyor to the top of clinker silo.

The clinical rule is that no player should return to training or playing until symptom-free and sign-free at rest and on provocation. 临床规则是所有球员不应重新投入训练或比赛,直到静止和受刺激时皆没有任何症状及征兆。”
The clinical test indicates the output signal is precise and can cure the tinnitus effectively. 临床试验结果表明该系统输出的语音信号精度高,具有良好的治疗效果。
The clinician then passes a smaller-caliber endoscope, 4.9 mm in diameter, through the nose, pharynx and throat. 临床医师这时就可以将更小口径的内窥镜(直径4.9毫米)通过鼻子、咽、喉。
The clinician's role in managing crying is to present explanations and options to parents, who can then try different strategies to diminish the child's crying. 在处理哭闹时,临床医师的作用在于为父母提供解释和处理方案,父母据此偿试用不同的方法减少小儿哭闹。
The clinics encouraged women to go home after artificial insemination and make love with their infertile husbands. 诊所鼓励妇女在人工授精后回家与丈夫做爱。
The clinker discharged from grate cooler will be transported by chain conveyor to the top of clinker silo. 从篦冷机卸出的熟料,链斗机送往熟料库顶。
The clip was first exchanged for a wooden pen, which was traded for a ceramic doorknob, and the process continued right up to the house. 首先,他用区别针换到一支木钢笔,然后是陶瓷门把手,努力不懈的结果便是这座房子。
The clipboard is used to transfer data between windows or applications. 剪贴板用于在窗口或应用程序之间传递数据。
The clipping area can be rectangular or nonrectangular, generally specified as a region or a path. 剪裁区域可以是规则的或不规则的,通常指定为区域或路径。
The cloak is also scattered with cold-dyed hand-strung iridescent vintage sequins that were used to create the floating ribbons and ties that are laid over the dress and cloak. 斗篷上也散布着用冷水染色法及手工串起的彩虹色古旧金属片,它们用来形成流动感的缎带和覆盖满裙子和斗篷的绑带.??
The cloak is made of metamaterials, which are mixtures of metal and circuit board materials such as ceramic, Teflon or fiber composite. “魔法”斗篷是由变形材料制成。而这种变形材料是用包括陶瓷,特富龙和光纤化合物等金属和电路板材料做成的。

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