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China should find another better way to achieve the constitutionalism: Let the wise power play a rational and leading role.

China should back up agricultural mechanization mare hard as farmers are weaker in investment and have smaller business scales. 因此,对农业经营规模小,农户投资能力不足的中国,应加大政府扶持力度,有效促进农业机械化的发展。
China should be a co tant topic of unforced conversation. 中国应该成为一个自然而然的、经常谈论的话题。
China should be a constant topic of unforced conversation. 中国应该成为一个自然而然的、经常谈论的话题。
China should be able to manage its own economy by then. 届时中国应该有能力管理好自己的经济。”
China should be encouraged to participate in the International Space Station. 应该鼓励中国参与国际空间站项目。
China should find another better way to achieve the constitutionalism: Let the wise power play a rational and leading role. 中国宪政的实现应该另辟蹊径,发挥英明睿智的权力的理性和统领作用。
China should maintain sound relations with ICC and make good preparations for entry in appropriate time. 中国应从自身实际和利益出发,处理好与国际刑事法院的关系并为适时加入做好准备。
China should not only develop itself by the way of safeguard the world peace but promote the world peace through its self development, beef up its peaceful co-existence and mutual cooperation with other countries. 作为一个拥有13亿人口并坚持走社会主义道路的发展中大国,以何种方式实现发展,必然会引起世界越来越多的关注。
China should practice the language policies helpful to the country's modernization, according to China's concrete situation in learning the experiences from other countries. 中国应当参考世界各国的经验,根据中国自己的具体情况,实行有利于国家现代化的语文政策。
China should take account of introducing it. 我国应当考虑引入金融机构即时矫正制度。
China should take significant measures to improve in these areas; revise its anti-trafficking provisions to align with its international obligations, including prohibiting the commercial sexual exploitation of children under age 18 and all forms of forced 中国应该在如下方面进行大规模的改进:修改反人口贩运方面的规定以尽到他的国际责任,这包括禁止对18岁以下儿童的商业化性剥削和任何形式的强制劳动;继续推行他们的计划以确定并实施国家行动方案。

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