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It is a fate that can’t be pulled and torn.

It is a fantastic movie, though its theme is far simpler than it seems. 这部电影相当不错,尽管主题没它看上去那么深刻。
It is a far cry from the days when Newt Gingrich turned Congress into a combination of political theatre and policy laboratory. 那段金里奇革命把我们的国会变成政客们的政治舞台和政策实验室的日子已经离开我们很久了。
It is a fascinating tale. 这是个令人迷醉的故事。
It is a fast and precise soldering angle adjustment by applying Back and forth double adjusted design with an angle scale. 焊接角度采用前后双调式设计,角度尺标,快速精确调整。
It is a fast and precise soldering angle adjustment by applying Back and forth double adjusted design with angle scale. 焊接角度采用前后调整设计,附角度尺标,快速精确调整。
It is a fate that can’t be pulled and torn. 是一份牵扯不断的情缘。
It is a favorable occasion. 此为一有利的场合。
It is a feeling of a bird rushing out of the cage. 当我做一些户外运动的时候,我感觉到精力充沛。
It is a film with Chaplin as the main attraction. 这是一部以卓别林为主要吸引力的电影。
It is a final everyone wants to be involved in. That is why I try my hardest to be involved. “这是每个人都想参与的一个决赛。所以我也尽全力想去参与。”
It is a fitting evening for a dance. 这是个适合于跳舞的夜晚。

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