Hayek, Frederich. Individualism and Economic Order. Chap. 1, 2, 4 and 5. |
中文意思: 弗烈德利希.海耶克,《个人主义与经济秩序》,第1、2、4、5章。 |
Hawthorne, with his fervent romantic spirit, both challenges the conventional vision and enlightens us with the realization that a real writer should be independent, and should resist against visual power and deconstruct the established order of space wit
霍桑以自己丰沛的浪漫激情,挑战了世俗的目光,同时也给我们以重要的启示:真正的作家应该具有独立不倚的精神,要以自己叛逆的眼睛,抗拒视觉权力,解构既成的空间秩序。 |
Hay Group, a global management consulting firm, worked with Fortune Magazine to conduct research to determine the world's most admired companies since 1997.
从1997年起,全球管理咨询公司合益集团与《财富》杂志每年都会联合推出“全球最受赞赏的公司”排行榜。 |
Hay had been cut and cowsheds had been cleaned.
干草已切好,牛棚也打扫干净了。 |
Hay, check that out!
嗨,快看那边! |
Hayashi N,Ito I,Yanagisawa A,et al.Genetic diagnosis of lymph node metastasis in colorectal cancer[J].Lancet,1995,345(8960):1257.
吴建农,王懿龄.大肠癌增殖细胞核抗原的表达与淋巴结转移关系[J].临床实验病理学杂志,1997,13(3):244. |
Hayek, Frederich. Individualism and Economic Order. Chap. 1, 2, 4 and 5.
弗烈德利希.海耶克,《个人主义与经济秩序》,第1、2、4、5章。 |
Hayek, a contemporary liberal phliosopher, believes that conservatism and liberalism conflict with each other for the following reasons: Conservatives have the attitude of refusing to face the, their political viewpoint is positive, their inclination is a
摘要当代自由主义哲学家哈耶克认为保守主义者由于其拒绝面对现实的态度,由于其所持有的积极的政治观,由于其反民主倾向,以及由于其与民族主义,帝国主义之间的密切联系,从而与自由主义者互不相容。 |
Hayes is also a very good catch-and-finisher. I am really impressed by his catches of T-Mac and Head's passes.
而且海耶斯也是一个很好的接球投篮得分的球员。我很欣赏他在接到麦迪和海德的传球后的上篮得分方式。 |
Haymarket is a specialist publishing company operating in many of the world's major markets.
海麦克托是一家致力于全球各大市场经营运作的专业出版公司。 |
Haymarket is the largest private magazine publisher in the United Kingdom, with titles published in 23 languages across almost 100 nations.
海麦克托是英国最大的私营媒体出版公司,在将近100个国家拥有23种语言的出版物。 |
Haymarket's global expansion has come from wholly owned subsidiaries, from joint ventures, from extensive licensing of key magazines to other publishers and through enterprises managed from the United Kingdom.
它通过组建全资子公司、合资企业以及将核心杂志的版权广泛授予给其他出版社和由英国直接管理出版社的方式来进行全球扩张。 |