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Many knowledge giants stay in bedlam or commit suicide, because no one can live in negative dark.

Many kinds of organic solution, acid, alkali etc. can dissolve or destroy the erythrocyte membrane and release the hemoglobin. That is chemical hemolysis. 各种有机溶剂、酸、碱等都会使红细胞膜发生溶解或破坏,血红蛋白释出,此即红细胞的化学性溶血。
Many kinds of plants, trees and grasses need bees to pollinate them. 很多植物、树木以及草地都需要蜜蜂来进行传播花粉。
Many kinds of squirrels are easy to tame. 很多种类的松鼠都很容易驯养。
Many kinds of wild orchid are becoming rare. 很多种野生兰越来越罕见了.
Many kiss a baby for the nurse's sake. 醉翁之意不在酒。
Many knowledge giants stay in bedlam or commit suicide, because no one can live in negative dark. 很多知识巨人呆在疯人院里或者自杀,因为没有人能活在负面的黑暗里。
Many knowledgeable giants stay in madhouses or commit suicide, because nobody can live in the negative darkness. 很多知识巨人呆在疯人院里或者自杀,因为没有人能活在负面的黑暗里。
Many ladies have one or more necklaces to match different dress on different occasion. Do you need one or more? 许多女士都有一条或多条项链用来佩带不同的服饰为参加不同的场所,您也需要一些吗?
Many ladies who want to lose weight and make them energetic join aerobics classes. 很多想减肥并充满活力的女生都加入健美操班.
Many languages are really great. 很多语言是了不起的。
Many languages have Latin as their base. 许多语言都以拉丁语为基础。

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