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They joined hands and formed a circle.

They it by the scuba machine. 他们发明了潜水器,使这成为可能。
They jeered at the speaker. 他们讥笑发言的人。
They jockeyed Fred out of his position on the board. 他们设法欺骗弗雷德放弃在董事会的职位.
They join labor unions, community groups, and business associations. 他们加入工会、社团和商业协会。
They join these groups because they are vulnerable. 邪教组织向他们提供生活中缺乏的东西。
They joined hands and formed a circle. 他们牵起手,组成一个圆圈。
They joined the line of people in the fire escape and when they reached the 15th floor heard the noise of the south tower collapsing. 他们立刻加入沿火警紧急出口撤离的人流,在到达第15层时,他们听到南塔倒塌的隆隆声。
They joined themselves also to Baal-peor, And ate sacrifices offered to the dead. 诗106:28他们又与巴力毘珥连合、且吃了祭死神〔或作人〕的物。
They jollied the little girl into going with them. 他们哄得那女孩跟他们一起去。
They journeyed from the Red Sea and camped in the wilderness of Sin. 民33:11从红海边起行、安营在汛的旷野。
They joy in revenge only, and imagine up vain excuses so they might seek imagined retribution. 黑暗精灵唯一的乐趣就是复仇,常常幻想着猎物苦苦哀求自己饶恕的情景,来寻求心灵的补偿。

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