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Abigail was the mother of Amasa, whose father was Jether the Ishmaelite.

Abiding by the service aim of “Quality First, Customer First”, all the staff members have continuously improved producing technology, upgraded quality of products, emphasized customer's benefit and social profits, sold products with the standard higher an 公司全体人员一贯格守“质量第一,用户第一”的服务宗旨,不断改善生产技术,提升产品质量,注重用户利益和社会效益,所有产品均高于国际标准进入市场,使“裕成”牌真正成为引领世界潮流的强势品牌!
Abiding the Requirement of Environmental Law and rule of Country. 遵守国家环境法律、法规要求。
Abigail Van Buren (American newspaper columnist):If you want our children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders. 阿比盖尔范布罕(美国报纸专栏作家):你若希望你的孩子总是脚踏实地,就要让他们负些责任。
Abigail bore Amasa, and the father of Amasa was Jether the Ishmaelite. 代上2:17亚比该生亚玛撒、亚玛撒的父亲是以实玛利人益帖。
Abigail quickly got on a donkey and, attended by her five maids, went with David's messengers and became his wife. 42亚比该立刻起身,骑上驴,带着五个使女,跟从大卫的使者去了,就作了大卫的妻。
Abigail was the mother of Amasa, whose father was Jether the Ishmaelite. 17亚比该生亚玛撒、亚玛撒的父亲是以实玛利人益帖。
Abigail: Did you see 《Make a million!》 on TV last night? 艾比盖尔:你昨晚有没有看电视节目《赚一百万》?
Abigail:How much did she win? 艾比盖尔:她赢了多少钱?
Abigail:Wasn't that lady in the red dress and with brunette hair brilliant? She seemed to know everything. 艾比盖尔:那个深棕色头发的红衣女人不是很厉害吗?她似乎无所不知。
Abigail:Well, it was very difficult. I didn't know it, did you? 艾比盖尔:那个问题很难回答。我就不知道答案,你呢?
Abijah went into battle with a force of four hundred thousand able fighting men, and Jeroboam drew up a battle line against him with eight hundred thousand able troops. 3有一次亚比雅率领挑选的兵四十万摆阵、都是勇敢的战士.耶罗波安也挑选大能的勇士八十万、对亚比雅摆阵。

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