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This thesis argues that the fact that Ovid abandoned the sober motif but absorbed in the love was relative to the society and history background of his times indivisibly.

This thesis analyzed the background and the meaning of construction exquisite course of operations research, combined the difficult point of course construction of “operations research “in this subject, proposed operations researchteaching resources of th 本文分析了《运筹学》精品课程建设的背景与意义、结合运筹学课程建设的难点,提出了《运筹学》网络教学资源系统建设的原则、系统结构设计思路以及网页的框架结构图和系统开发实施步骤,详解了精品课程网络教学资源管理系统各个模块的功能等。
This thesis analyzes the application of filter materials in air, medical products and water treatment, then explains the performance index of filter materials. 摘要介绍了过滤材料在空气过滤、污水处理、血液过滤等不同领域的应用,并且对过滤材料的性能测试指标做了系统的介绍。
This thesis analyzes the basic attributes of iInternational law according to the basic theories of jurisprudence and by the comparative method. 摘要以法学基本理论为依据,采用比较研究的方法,辨析了国际法的基本属性。
This thesis analyzes the connotation, component, function, optimization goal of city logistics distribution system, and based on city logistics distribution system's function and appraisal, provides research framework, basic methods and steps of city logi 文中分析了城市物流配送系统的内涵、组成、功能及优化目标,并从城市物流配送系统功能角度和评价体系角度出发,提出了城市物流配送系统优化的研究架构、基本方法与实现步骤。
This thesis argues that it was just the political and economic systems in later feudal society which did not quit the stage of history that turned Zheng's expedition into a heroic deed both encouraging and regrettable. 正是步入晚期封建主义而又不肯退出历史舞台的政治、经济体制,使郑和下西洋成为既令人振奋、又令人叹惜的千古绝唱。
This thesis argues that the fact that Ovid abandoned the sober motif but absorbed in the love was relative to the society and history background of his times indivisibly. 笔者认为,奥维德抛弃战火的庄重而落笔于暖玉温香,与当时的社会、历史背景有着密不可分的联系。
This thesis can provide useful reference for cargo claims arising from through transport. 期能提供货主求偿之参考,并使联运运送人之责任能更为明确。
This thesis carries on an analysis about how to quarantee the effective, steady and normal going of library network, concerning management on network breakdowns, ways and steps to fix network breakdowns, common orders to test library network, general ways 摘要从网络故障管理内容、网络故障排除步骤及方法、常用的网络测试命令、网络故障常见排除等几个方面探讨如何高效、稳定地保证图书馆网络正常运行。
This thesis concerns the preliminary bilingual teaching experiment employed in gymnastics class. 摘要本文介绍了体操课中运用双语教学的初步实验。
This thesis deals with the feudal ownership of land and feudal tenancy relationships. 本文主要讨论了其封建土地占有制及租佃关系的形成与发展。
This thesis discusses the conception of ratio and algorithm procedures concerned.Procedures of applied problems of proportion may be sum up the elementary methods of jinyou and its principle of qitong.These display mutual relations on algorithmic mechaniz 本文探讨率之概念及有关算法.各种比例应用问题的解法程序都可归为率的最基本算法今有术及其算法原理齐同术,从而表现出在机械化程序方面的相互关系.率是中国传统数学许多理论的基础和算法的源泉.

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