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A rumor went forth that the price of eggs would be raised soon.

A ruler having unlimited power; a despot. 独裁统治者一个有着无限权利的统治者;专制者
A ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church. 长老基督教长老会的统治长老
A ruling or decision of an umpire. 仲裁裁判员的裁定或决定
A ruling the other way would be a crushing defeat for the plaintiff's bar. 另一方面,这桩案子的裁决也将导致原告席律师的决定性失败。
A rumble; a growl. 隆隆的响声;轰鸣
A rumor went forth that the price of eggs would be raised soon. 谣传近期鸡蛋要涨价。
A rumour circulated in the press about the royal couple,and two weeks later it was confirmed when they announced their divorce.There's no smoke without fire. 报刊上流传起关于这对皇家夫妇的传闻,两周后此事得到证实,他们宣布离婚,真是无风不起浪嘛。
A rumour goes in one ear and out many mouths. 一个人听见的流言肯定是从许多人嘴里传出来的。
A run of 1024 minutes without conceding a goal between December and March set new English top flight record. 在十二月到三月,他创造了1024分钟没有丢球的最新英超记录。
A runner can lose a lot of advantage by even glancing back to see how far behind the others are. 一个赛跑运动员甚至回头看一眼后面的运动员还有多远,就可能失去很多优势。
A runner exercises before a race to prevent his muscles from tensing up. 赛跑运动员在比赛前要活动活动,以放松肌肉。

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