The mistaken point of reference [1] has been pointed out, and the comprehension and recognition were deepened on the selectable region of center point A of crank fixed hinge.
摘要指出了文献[1]中的错误观点,深化了关于曲柄固定铰链中心点A可选择区域的理解和认识。 |
The mistakes are marking out with red.
错误用鲜红色标出。 |
The mistakes in sales techniques are equally appalling.
有些销售技巧上的错误也同样令我震惊。 |
The mistakes largely result not from surgeon fatigue, but from the stress arising from emergencies or complications discovered on the operating table, the researchers reported.
研究人员发现,这些错误的发生大都不是因为手术疲劳,而是手术压力。这些压力主要来自紧急情况或者手术进行中发现的并发症等等。 |
The mistletoe plant is a parasite in trees.
榭寄生的植株在树里面算是一种寄生虫。 |
The mistletoe plant is a parasite on trees.
槲寄生是寄生在树上的植物。 |
The mistrusting journalists of Les Echos fret that Mr Arnault will try to use the paper to bolster his position at the heart of this chummy network.
《回声报》充满疑虑的记者们担心,阿尔诺先生会利用该报加强他在这一关系网中的地位。 |
The mists was fleeing before the rising sun.
太阳慢慢升起,薄雾渐渐消失。 |
The misunderstanding cast a shadow on their friendship.
误会在他们的友谊上投下了阴影。 |
The misunderstanding drove a wedge between Mary and Helen.
那个误会使玛丽与海伦间产生了介蒂。 |
The misunderstandings for Marx's productive labor theory over the years are the consequences of this misreading.
全世界经济学界对于马克思生产劳动理论的百年误解都源于这个令人难以置信的误读。 |