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Common sense triumphed in the end.

Common sense indicates all judges have a specialty breed. 一般上讲所有的评审员有一个专门擅长的犬种。
Common sense is the measure of the possible;it is composed of experience and prevision;it is calculation applied to life. 常识是对可能性的衡量;它由经验和预见构成;它是应用在生活中的度量衡。
Common sense point 2: Never use mend pet during a battle. 常识2:在战斗中千万不要使用宠物治疗。
Common sense should be exercized in this. 一般常识可运用在这里。
Common sense suggests the biggest impact will be felt in America, home both to the subprime mess and the worst financial dislocations. 用常规理念会想到受到影响最大的应该是美国,这次次级房贷乱局及最糟糕的金融失控的发源地。
Common sense triumphed in the end. 人的理智终於战胜了一切.
Common sights at university guest houses were: peeling paint, tiles and molding; toilets flowing nonstop; cracked plaster; torn carpets; and broken or jammed windows. 这些大学的招待所的普遍面貌是:油漆、瓷砖和墙角线脱落下来,卫生间的水不停地流着,还有破裂的墙皮,撕裂的地毯,打碎的玻璃,卡死的窗户。
Common slang used by Americans to refer to price is often the word “buck” or bucks. 一般美国人提及到价格时通常用到的俚语是“美元”,$1元价格是1“美元”。
Common special flavorings include Grenadine, Blue Curacao, and others. 常用特调,有糖浆、蓝库拉索及其它。
Common statements range from I don't have time to do one more thing to where do I go for examples? 例如:共同的表述范围在从我没有时间多做一件事,到我去哪里啊?
Common stock gives investors a vote on company issues and leadership. 普通股给予投资者对公司重大问题及有关确定领导阶层的发言和表决权。

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