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Aimed at the parameter estimation and model reduction problems of non-linear systems in noisy environment, a class of particle swami optimization (PSO) approach with hypothesis test is proposed, named PSOHT, which estimates parameters by using PSO operato

Aimed at the current problem of urban roadway planning and layout in China, this paper also brings forward the fundamental urban roadway plan and effective measures to improve the capacity of urban roadway network, especially crossroads. 针对目前中国大中城市道路规划布局存在的问题,提出了城市道路网布局的原则和提高城市道路网,特别是交通节点通行能力的具体技术措施。
Aimed at the equal-diameter cam mechanism with follower of planar movement, and according to two conditions of existing meaningful solution of the mechanism and of ensuring transmission angle of output swinging rod, the value selection ranges of cam motio 摘要针对平面运动从动件等径凸轮机构,根据机构存在有意义解和保证输出摆杆传动角两个条件,分析并确定了凸轮运动角、输出摆杆摆角及其初始安装角的取值范围,进而绘制了凸轮运动角与摆杆摆角的可选值域图,为该机构的设计与使用提供了方便。
Aimed at the feature of great fluctuation of water flow-rate in rivers and taking the monthly average flow-rate at low water with 90% guaranty in recent ten years as design flow-rate, the permissible amount of major pollutants discharged into Yellow River 摘要针对河水流量变化大这一特点,采用以对数正态分布理论为指导的随机计算模式,以近十年90%保证率最枯月平均流量为设计流量,确定黄河兰州段主要污染物的容许排污量,即随机水环境容量。
Aimed at the feature of weak local searching ability of the genetic algorithm, let it be combined with the gradient descending method so as to raise its partial searching ability, and a test has been carried out. 文中针对遗传算法局部搜索能力弱的特点,将其与梯度下降法结合,提高其局部搜索能力,并进行了测试。
Aimed at the international engineering project life cycle entire process in various risks factor, we give the risk rank analysis policy-making table, and reduce the attributes and the attribute values of the venture decision table using the roughest theor 摘要针对国际工程项目生命周期全过程中的各风险因素,给出了风险等级分析的决策表,并运用粗集对风险决策表的各属性和属性值进行约简,找出了引发各等级风险度的主要特征属性;然后结合神经网络模型进行分析,使国际承包商在作风险因素分析时节省了时间,更为快捷地决定投标与否及投标成本。
Aimed at the parameter estimation and model reduction problems of non-linear systems in noisy environment, a class of particle swami optimization (PSO) approach with hypothesis test is proposed, named PSOHT, which estimates parameters by using PSO operato 摘要针对噪声环境下的非线性系统参数估计和模型降阶问题,提出了一种带假设检验的微粒群优化算法(PSOHT),以最小化平均平方误差为目标,结合统计意义下的评价和比较,通过微粒群操作进行参数估计。
Aimed at the port/starboard discrimination problem of the traditional single-line array, this paper mentioned some relative factors of the port/starboard discrimination method of mother ship maneuverability, and draws quantitative conclusions about the ma 摘要针对传统单根线列阵的左右舷分辩问题,经过深入分析,给出了本舰机动左右舷分辨方法中的一些影响因素,并对机动角度和滞后时间得出了定量结论。
Aimed at the requirement of antagonism simulation, the design of the intelligent antagonism target was divided into two parts, decision simulation and aircraft simulation. 摘要针对目前对抗性空战仿真的需要,将对抗性智能空战目标机分解为目标机决策仿真和目标机实体仿真两部分进行设计。
Aimed at the rotor bearing system of 300 MW steam turbogenerator set and on the basis of establishing its concentrated general model with 8 supportings and 9 nodes, a study was carried out on the bending vibration response of the most left end surface of 摘要针对300MW汽轮机组转子轴承系统,在建立其8支承9节点集总模型的基础上,对轴系最左端面和发电机右端面的弯曲振动响应进行研究。
Aimed at the scantiness of segment method which is used in comprehensive evaluation model of interval-number, based on reamer intercept method, considering the model's stability, using attribute recognition theoretical model for reference. 摘要针对现有区间数综合评判模型中,生成区间数所依据的线段法的不足,以刀切法思想为基础,通过模型的稳定性分析,借鉴属性识别理论,提出了一种以增强模型稳定性为目的的改进方法。
Aimed at the short time run of the generator, multi-channel and high precision in aircraft test on ground, based on the idea of multi-channel long time record at locale, then playback and analysis, an aircraft electric multi-channel test system based on V 摘要针对目前飞机地面电气测试中发电机开机时间短、测试通道多、并且要求测试精度高的要求,按照现场长时间多通道记录,后期回放处理的设计思路,设计了一种基于VXI总线技术的飞机电气多通道测试系统,实践证明该系统使用灵活,测试精度高,很好满足了现场实验多通道数据同时测量的要求,并实现了对多个通道数据后期回放及分析处理。

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