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The new housing estate relation to the motorway.

The new housemaid is like a bull in a china shop. When she helps in the kitchen, she sometimes breaks a cup, and sometimes knocks dishes off the table. 新来的女佣是个毛手毛脚的人。她在厨房干活的时候,一会儿打碎杯子,一会儿又把桌子上的碟子碰到地上。
The new houses are too far out, with no adequate public transport, and they are sometimes built before water, electricity or schools get there. 新房子太偏远,缺乏充分的公共交通,而且往往在建成时不通水电,也没有学校。
The new houses in this locality have very high ceilings. 这个地区的新房子天花板甚高。
The new housing estate borders on motorway. 新住宅区紧挨高速公路.
The new housing estate borders on the motorway. 新住宅区紧接高速公路.
The new housing estate relation to the motorway. 新住宅区紧挨高速公路.
The new housing estate stretches beyond the playing-fields. 新的住宅区一直延伸到游乐场的那一边.
The new hue, “electric yellow”, was described by the club as “a new twist on the traditional shade”. 这套新的色系“萤光黄”,被俱乐部形容为“对传统明暗的新颠覆”。
The new idea agreed in Rome was to raise a United Nations force in order to help Lebanon's government assert its authority and disarm Hizbullah, in accordance with Security Council Resolution 1559 of 2004. 为了帮助黎巴嫩政府维护权威和解除真主党武装,执行2004年联合国安理会1559号决议,在罗马达成新的一致意见是派驻联合国部队。
The new increase in electricity is the writing on the wall for many smell businesses. 电价的再次上涨对诸多小企业来说是不祥之兆。
The new informality is generally supposed to make us like our jobs more. 总的来说,没有规矩的主张是希望我们更热爱本职工作。

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