There are people who have given their lives to rescue others, or dedicated themselves to some great work, like bringing sight to the blind of India or Africa, or saving the world from environmental disaster.
确实有一些人为求助别人而舍弃了自己的生命,或者投身于某些重要的工作,比如治疗印度和非洲的失明者,治理世界的环境。 |
There are perhaps six species of musk deer (a topic of dispute among scientists), found in 13 countries, including Russia, China, India, Nepal, and other Asian nations.
尽管科学家们还有争议,但现在普遍认为麝有6种,他们在13个国家里都有发现,包括俄罗斯、中国、印度、尼泊尔和其他的亚洲国家。 |
There are phases of ascension that allow for embracing harmlessness in degrees.
提升将有若干阶段,允许按不同程度融入无害。 |
There are piles of papers all over the desk with no semblance of order.
桌子上堆满了一堆堆杂乱无章的文件。 |
There are plans to produce a Wall Street-wide directory to keep traders in touch from home.
有的公司还计划编写一本华尔街通讯录,让各交易员在家中相互保持联络。 |
There are plans to reintroduce fish to the water and revive the fishing industry.
当地政府还计划在水中养鱼,以重新恢复渔业的发展。 |
There are plentiful forms of aesthetic feeling in the life.On the life-aesthetics aspect,this article shows that the aesthetic development and change of Yu Dafu's novelettes from sentimental beautyand morbid beautyto tranquil beauty.
美感在生命中具有丰富的形态,从生命美学的维度切入郁达夫的小说,展示其小说从“感伤美”、“病态美”向“宁静美”转向的美学追求流变过程。 |
There are plenty of anecdotal signs of change: Britain's pro-business Tories have turned green; Al Gore is back in fashion in America; hybrid cars no longer get stared at.
与此同时,变化引来了层出不穷的有趣现象:在英国,信奉重商主义的保守党已经转而崇尚绿色环保;阿尔?戈尔在美国东山再起;混合动力车也日益走俏。 |
There are plenty of collections of bones from animals such as reindeer, horses, bison and mammoths that are associated with Neanderthals, but few remains of rabbits or tortoises.
在有尼人的地方总是收藏有大量来自驯鹿、马、野牛、猛犸的兽骨,却很少有小动物,比如兔或龟的残骸。 |
There are plenty of county and prefectural Party committee secretaries. Why, then, is it so hard to find a provincial Party committee secretary?
县委书记、地委书记一大堆,为什么连个省委书记都找不出来? |
There are plenty of fans of club football who resent any interference with the weekly rhythm of the League, but at least when the national side play opponents of stature there is a game to enjoy.
很多俱乐部球迷讨厌任何改变联赛每周比赛节奏的事情,但当国家队打强队时至少有好的比赛可看。 |