In case PARTY A delays the refund of the deposit, PARTY A shall pay interest to PARTY B at the rate of 0.04% per day of delay.
如果延期返还,则每延期一日,按每日万分之四支付给乙方利息。 |
In case a contractor deceases during the term of a contract, the successor of the deceased contractor may continue the contract.
承包人在承包期内死亡的,该承包人的继承人可以继续承包。 |
In case a decision is made in violation of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the people's congress or the standing committee of the people's congress at the corresponding level or the governments at higher levels shall order a change or annulment
对违反前款规定作出的决定,本级人民代表大会、本级人民代表大会常务委员会或者上级政府应当责令其改变或者撤销。 |
In case a foreigner or a person of non-nationality applying for naturalization as a R.O.C. national shall make certain of his/her Chinese family name.
外国人、无国籍人申请归化我国国籍者,于申请归化时,应确定其中文姓氏。 |
In case a guarantor can be found or bail has been paid according to regulations by the detainee or his family, the original ruling can be suspended temporarily during the time a petition or suit is taking place.
被裁决拘留的人或者他的家属能够找到担保人或者按照规定交纳保证金的,在申诉和诉讼期间,原裁决暂缓执行。 |
In case a labourer has kept working in a same employing unit for ten years or more and the parties involved agree to extend the term of the labour contract, a labour contract with a flexible term shall be concluded between them if the labourer so requeste
劳动者在同一用人单位连续工作满十年以上,当事人双方同意续延劳动合同的,如果劳动者提出订立无固定期限的劳动合同,应当订立无固定期限的劳动合同。 |
In case a part on your computer should fail you should be able to get the item fixed at no charge just as long as the warranty has not expired.
如果你不参加你的电脑应能获得这个项目没有固定在只要负责保修尚未届满. |
In case a third party brings a charge of infringement, Licensor shall be responsible for dealing with the third party and bear full legal and financial responsibilities which may arise.
如果发生第三方指控侵权,则由出让方负责与第三方交涉并承担由此引起的法律上和经济上的全部责任。 |
In case an accepting institution cannot decide on the spot whether an application should be accepted or not, it shall, after receiving the applicant's application materials, provide the applicant with a note acknowledging receipt of the application materi
受理机构不能当场作出是否受理决定的,收到申请人的申请材料后,应当向申请人出具收文回执和列明材料名称的清单。 |
In case an account continues to be overdue for review for more than 3 months Branch would seek approval from the General Manager for entertaining further business/ to allow fresh withdrawal in the a/c.
如果帐户要逾期三个月以上才能进行复查的,分行得向总经理申报批准,好接受更多的业务/允许贷款人在其帐户里提款。 |
In case an application item is within the limits of authority of the CIRC and its local offices, and the application materials are complete and comply with the legal format or materials have been duly supplemented or corrected in accordance with requireme
(五)申请事项属于中国保监会或者派出机构职权范围,申请材料齐全、符合法定形式,或者申请人按照要求提交全部补正申请材料的,应当受理行政许可申请。 |