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Tusks are fundamentally no different than ordinary teeth.

Turtle meat is canned and sold as a delicacy. 甲鱼肉被制成罐头作为美食出售。
Tuscaloosa Chinese Christian Fellowship (TCCF), founded in 1972, is an non - denominational Christian organization located in Tuscaloosa, AL. , and registered under the SGA of the University of Alabama. 塔城华人基督徒查经班(TCCF)成立于1972年,位于阿拉巴马州塔斯卡卢萨市,是一个无宗派基督教组织。我们注册于阿拉巴马大学学生会。
Tuseday and Wednesday are consecutive. 星期二和星期三士是连续的几天。
Tush, thou art deceived: Leave me, and do the thing I bid thee do. Hast thou no letters to me from the friar? 胡说,你看错了。快去,把我叫你做的事赶快办好。神父没有叫你带信给我吗?
Tuskegee Airman Lee Archer says Mrs. Rooseve, it's flight changed history. “黑色轰炸机”的飞行员李·阿彻说,罗斯福夫人的乘坐改变了历史。
Tusks are fundamentally no different than ordinary teeth. 象的长牙和普通的牙齿基本上没有什么区别。
Tusks are used for digging, ripping of bark, foraging, resting a heavy trunk, and as weapons. 象的长牙用于挖掘,折断书皮,也是沉重的象鼻借以靠放的地方,也可以用做武器。
Tut had been affixed to his coffin by resins used in the embalming process. 图坦被防腐处理时使用的树脂粘在棺材上。
Tut, tut! Such a big child acting like a spoiled child. 那么大的孩子还撒娇,真没羞。
Tut-tut, the boy's late again! 咳, 这孩子又迟到了!
Tutor more than 10 factories (including metal, rubber, and electron), Show solicitude for quality special case for investigation lifting, know well that quality improves gimmick, the firm judges warning and the factory Quality Audit. 期间辅导10多家企业包括钣金、橡塑、电子厂商,专注品质专案提升,精通品质改善手法、厂商评鉴及工程监查,并多次接受著名咨询公司台湾科建培训,协助公司通过克莱斯勒、美国通用及台湾中华汽车审核。

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