April 2004, AMI hosted and organised a visit program for a group of 18 senior judges, led by Justice Yang Duoming, Vice President from the Supreme Court of Guangxi Province PRC.
今年四月,AMI负责接待了广西高等法院副院长为团长的18位高级法官的培训和考察活动。 |
April 2004, Huali Air—Conditioner (Italy) started to be constructed.
2004年4月,意大利华丽空调开工建设。 |
April 2005 saw the launch of the AstraZeneca China Business Institute (AZBI). This is the first in-house business school in the industry.
2005年4月,一个以“提高公司员工执行力和素质”为目标的“阿斯利康中国商学院”项目正式启动。 |
April 2007, the 7th Collegiate Programming Contest of Zhejiang University was held on Zijingang Campus.
2007年4月,浙江大学第七届大学生程序设计竞赛在紫金港校区隆重举行。 |
April 21, 2007: Pakistan has ordered four more frigates from China.
2007年4月21日:巴基斯坦向中国追加4艘护卫舰的订单。 |
April 22 is the Earth Day.
4月22日是「世界地球日」。 |
April 23rd was PKU Campus Open Day.
4月23日,北大校园开放日。 |
April 25th. One of the additions to the many posters up at Peking University was this slogan from the American Revolution written on a bedsheet.
北大三角地是学运的主要发源地之一。在北京大学众多的大字报中,有一张写著美国革命时的一句口号:「不自由,毋宁死!」 |
April 28, 2004, AMT Industry Development Centre, and ShenYang SIAYUAN Advanced Semiconductor Technology CO., Ltd manufacturing shop and office building was completed and put into use.
2004年4月28日,“AMT创业中心大楼”与“沈阳芯源先进半导体技术有限公司厂区及办公楼”落成并投入使用。 |
April 29,2007 ,Sunlink International Centre is holding the pop grand event in Foshan.Famous toastmaster of Phoenix TV Dou Wen Tao shares the wonderful life with you face to face.Super models of New Silk Road play a splendid fashion show.Foshan celebrities
2007年4月29日,顺联国际购物中心打造全城最热盛事;凤凰卫视名嘴窦文涛与你面对面畅谈品味人生;新丝路模特倾情演绎国际名品时尚、霓裳魅影;城中名流,共聚一堂,同贺顺联国际周年生辰! |
April 30 low 93.5 with the main trend still down and we would remain short with a stop at 104.5 or 3¢ above the low of March 29, 1954.
大势一直向下,4月30日低点93.5美分,我们将止损设在104.5美分或3月29的那个低点101.5上面3美分处进行短线操作。 |