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Jazz is a Life, Love, Language.

Jazz continued to gain popularity as the years passed. 时间一年一年地过去,爵士乐一直受到大众的欢迎。
Jazz developed as music to dance to. 后来爵士乐逐渐发展成为跳舞的配乐。
Jazz fans are hoping that all of the games their team has let slip away of late isn't a sign that their season is on the verge of doing the same thing. 爵士的球迷可不希望爵士这些个最后崩盘的比赛,成为爵士整个赛季的缩影(也就是最后挂了,哇哈哈,不过,事实上,是这样的,哈哈哈,火箭主场,哇哈哈,嗯……低调,我太高兴了,谢谢。)
Jazz has never really turned me on. 我从未对爵士乐真正产生过兴趣。
Jazz hasn't much appeal to me. 爵士乐对我没有什么吸引力。
Jazz is a Life, Love, Language. 爵士是生活,爱,语言。
Jazz is a genuinely American art form that has blossomed into a worldwide phenomenon. 爵士乐是一种地道的美国艺术形式,它已经发展成为一种风靡全球的现象。
Jazz is also polyrhythmic, which means many rhythms revolve around one basic one. 爵士乐也是多重节奏的,即多种节奏围绕一个基本节奏而进行。
Jazz is often referred to as the only truly American art form. 爵士音乐常被认为是唯一真正的美国艺术形式。
Jazz makes people feel high. 爵士乐使人振奋.
Jazz musicians always improvise when they play - they never follow the written music. 爵士乐手常在演奏时即兴发挥,他们从不按写好的乐谱演奏。

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