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Are you going to pay in cash or by credit card?

Are you going to kill the fatted calf for the prodigal son, Jack? 杰克,浪子回家,你准备宰杀那头小肥牛吗?
Are you going to leave for Beijing? 你打算动身去北京吗?
Are you going to let them in on the plans? 你是否打算让他们知道这些计划?
Are you going to lie in bed all morning? 你打算在床上躺一上午吗?
Are you going to live with them? 您打算和他们一起住吗?
Are you going to pay in cash or by credit card? 您准备用现金还是信用卡付款?
Are you going to pay in cash or credit card? 是付现金还是使用信用卡?
Are you going to play golf? (你去打高尔夫球吗?)
Are you going to put in for that job? 你打算申请那份工作吗?
Are you going to put this on your dairy and see what I say about you? 你会把这些问题放在你的日记,让我去回答吗?
Are you going to return it here? 你要在这里归还吗?

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