I didn't keen on her at first who has become one of my best friends now.
起初我并不喜欢她,现在她已经是我最好的朋友之一了。 |
I didn't know I was going make a career out of it, but the response was so good that it gave me confidence.
我不在此行不清楚将来的事业,但良好的反响给了我自信。 |
I didn't know Spurs have never beaten Chelsea in the Premiership.
我以前不知道热刺在英超联赛中从来都没赢过切尔西。 |
I didn't know [I didn't realize, I had no idea] I was blocking your parking space.
我没想到我堵住了您的停车位。 |
I didn't know anything about the books so my choice was quite arbitrary.
我对那些书一点都不了解,所以我的选择是相当随意的。 |
I didn't know he was the proctor this week.
我不知道他是这星期的纠察队。 |
I didn't know he was the richest person in the world.
我不知道他是世界上最有钱的人。 |
I didn't know him but I couldn't help crying at the service, he was taken so young, so innocently.
虽然不认识他,但我在追悼会上停不了哭泣,他是多麽的年青,多麽的纯真. |
I didn't know how to swim and disappeared under the water. I managed to come up and some hands hauled me onto the beach. That's how I landed in Normandy.
我并不会游泳,所以很快沉下了水中。我努力试图浮起来,这时许多只手将我拽到了海滩上,这就是我登陆诺曼底的故事。 |
I didn't know if my sister was alive or if she was ok.
以前我不知道还能不能看到姐姐一面。 |
I didn't know if that meant winning back-to-back Leagues or perhaps getting in the Champions League.
我不知道成功是意味着联赛卫冕成功还是得到冠军联赛奖杯。 |