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Effects of Geometrical Isomerisation on Singlet-oxygen Quenching by Lycopene in vitro

Studies on determination of heat resistant extracellular proteinase from psychrotrophic bacteria by azocasein Azocasein法测定嗜冷菌耐热胞外蛋白酶活性研究
Physiological and Biochemical Response of Elaeagnus mollis Seedlings to NaCl Stress 翅果油树幼苗对NaCl胁迫的生理生化反应
Study on the Isolation and Growth Characteristics of Thiobacillus Ferrooxidan 氧化亚铁硫杆菌的分离及生长特性研究
New Discovery of the Late Pleistocene Mammal Fossils in Dongjiang River Valley, South of Nanling Range, China 岭南东江流域晚更新世哺乳动物化石的新发现
Study on the anatomy structure of blades of four Limonium species 新疆四种补血草属植物叶片的解剖学研究
Effects of Geometrical Isomerisation on Singlet-oxygen Quenching by Lycopene in vitro 几何异构化对番茄红素淬灭单线态氧功能的影响
Biodiversity of Macrobenthos in Upper Reaches of Huangpu River 黄浦江上游大型底栖动物生物多样性现状
A Preliminary Study on Flora Diversity of Karst Microhabitat in Shilin Park,Yunnan,China 云南石林喀斯特小生境木本植物多样性特征
Two amylase-producing Bacillus subtillis stains identified by 16S rRNA gene sequences 产淀粉酶枯草芽孢杆菌的16SrRNA测序鉴定
Morphological Anatomical Studies on Aceraceae Vessel Element from Heilongjiang Province, China 黑龙江槭树属植物导管分子解剖学研究
Relationship between Aldosterone Synthase Gene (CYP11B2) Polymorphisms and Essential Hypertension in a Northern Chinese Han Population 北方汉族人群醛固酮合成酶基因多态性与高血压的关系

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